India's Daughter

8.2| 1h3m| en

The story of the short life, and brutal gang rape and murder in Delhi in December 2012 of an exceptional and inspiring young woman. The rape of the 23 year old medical student by 6 men on a moving bus, and her death, sparked unprecedented protests and riots throughout India and led to the first glimmers of a change of mindset. Interwoven into the story line are the lives, values and mindsets of the rapists whom the film makers have had exclusive and unprecedented access to interview before they hang. The film examines the society and values which spawn such violent acts, and makes an optimistic and impassioned plea for change.



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Assassin Films


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Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
I-Am-The-Movie-Addict Have we learned anything from this Nirbhaya case?How far can this all go and what we have learned and what we haven't, is a different question but what this documentary illuminates across our minds that is sitting across the world is that no matter what happens should really happen in this way or not.Have we learned anything from this Nirbhaya case or is this documentary a farce?I think most of the Indian society will never learn and this case is just another but a bit more highlighted one, because after that a lot more occurred and ratio and intentions never fell down.RAPE is serious issue not just for females but also of the govt. that isn't taking it seriously otherwise this would have been last in this field of crime and the death penalty should be the warning sign for rapists around.BUT NO, NOTHING OF THAT SORT HAPPENED.So, this BBC documentary is just another munching stuff that never compels us ask the Indian Govt. why rapes are occurring after such vicious incident and so much of shame in the world politics.
Rajender Kr Its because of poor blurry pigs like ML Sharma that India still can not solve the archaic social "laws" and "norms". Someone who says he will gladly burn his daughter lives not deserve to be a lawyer, he belongs to the gallows or the electric chair or lethal injection in death or chemical castration along with his "helpers" as if the rapist he has dared to defend. These monsters are not "people", and can not be reasoned with.The sad part is that he is not the only one who claims really inhuman things like that and believe in them, a large part of society is such that the dowry killings, female infanticide, malnutrition, wife beating, RAPE..the list can go on. Rural society are the worst for him, first of all, they do not have adequate awareness and education, etc., regardless of the small piece of mind that you have can not keep up with modern India. Its this kind of people who can not handle women to be free and liberated and think in their wrong brain that his well within its rights to rape a woman. Rape is a clear example of that and many of our politicians, police officers, as well. All they crawl out of the backlog and narrow-minded parasitic colonies are grown and where it is okay for them to treat women as animals, something that will be used and abused. No wonder you can not sympathize with women victims, rural or urban, but instead seems to be some kind of perverse pleasure in a woman's pain.
Xitij Thool I live in India and the point of view towards women in our society from Historical culture heritage till modern world is described at utmost accurately as Mirror shows our true face in reflection. Recent claims of Leaders about knowing truth will educate people about criminal mind thinking and people would act accordingly. Decision of ban was made and all copies of this videos were completely removed instantly.This turned out nothing but false statement, in video there is not a single thing about it. A tragic event took place and shook the world in December 2012. Everything and anything about a innocent girl, who was passionate about opening a hospital in her rural village to help locals in future is ruined as she was suffered a brutal death caused by four low mindset criminals in one unfortunate night. Impact before and after incident on lives of victim and criminals involved is recorded as it is, not a shingle shred of unwanted education is exhibited. The act of ban indicating rigid, inflexible mindset of Leaders towards change in Modern society taped in video clearly. This BBC documentary is banned by our current Indian Leaders, who are nothing but lamest person on earth. This curiosity to watch this banned Documentary in such a short notice is a remarkable step by government to stop the world from getting root of truth. Nothing but a purposely done to act to hide ugly mindset in our society that exists and faced daily in our life about child marriage, restriction on gender basis. Veracity of this BBC Documentary is crystal clear and everyone should watch this video. The Question raised in the end would obviously confronted by society. Showcase of what the tragic incident happened to common man, it was suppressed instantly by government.I believe there is no need to evaluate this documentary, because the Director has done a remarkable job in exposing the truth and immediate ban from Indian government internet is cogent evidence.Only one final question raised is that, when this creepy mindset will change about women otherwise consequences will be inevitability grave? That answer is only given by you, after all you are the judge.
aniketvyas102 The documentary covers the unfortunate incident that occurred on Dec 16, 2012. A rarest of rare case that shook the whole nation. The documentary is short, simple and to the point. It gives to you straight, what's wrong with the society. The Gender Inequality that prevails in the society even today. How the mentality needs to be changed. If the government thinks it puts us in a bad light then they should think about delivering the verdict fast and giving justice to the deceased, because delaying that is a shame. The ban should be lifted, it should be up to us if we want to watch it or not. Hope there comes a day when we all can live peacefully without fear.