
2007 "Take a trip"
3.7| 1h20m| R| en

A Montreal DJ, following his girlfriend to Los Angeles, falls into a deadly relationship with a couple of female hitch-hikers.


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Interstate Movie LLC


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Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
michaeljcarr The film is not as bad as I was led to believe. There is promise of what could have been. "Interstate" pays homage to one of the earlier films in the film noir genre, "Detour" and is kind of a road-noir.There is, however a bright light and a revelation to this film. The emergence of a young face well-suited to film noir. A very gifted actress by the name of Alexandra Ackerman, who should have a long and prosperous career in film. As the female lead, Veronica she is alluring and seductive. You can't take your eyes off her. She is every guy's vision of a goddess. There is something captivating about her. While this may not be a great film, the mere presence of this actress makes it worth watching. I look forward to seeing other films with her in the lead. For this reason alone, I recommend the film.
Johnny_Hing The first half was pretty decent. Nice mood, setting, great shots along the New Mexico highway. Loved the bombastic, rundown pit-stops. This had real potential for some highly entertaining film noir. But alas, the last 20 or 30 minutes was mostly Edgar screaming and whining at his two female hitchhiker companions. He totally wimped out. He could have used force to extract himself from their company, but instead chose to snivel. He could have given them some cash (from Alan's wallet) and dropped them off almost anywhere. Instead, he allows them to call the shots, even though they have no weapons.I appreciated that it didn't turn into a sex-fest or a horror-fest. Unfortunately, an ear-grating shout-fest with uninteresting dialog is not much of an improvement. This could have been so much better. Lose the screaming and unbecoming wimpiness on Edgar's part, and I would have easily upgraded this to a 7 or higher. Also, stomping on some bags of heroin when there's an unstable, drugged-out girl pointing a gun at you doesn't quite seem like the smart thing to do. Good grief.
in1984 Rating is closer to 6.5. It's good enough that I rounded up after seeing that the IMDb viewers as a whole were rating it far too low. It's the rough equivalent of a good 70s B movie. The acting isn't great, but it is all believable and helps pull the film along.Basically, it's a somewhat smarter, more believable version of a hitchhiker films that typically result in power car chases and crashes, blah blah blah. Fortunately, none of that is involved.It's more like an early attempt to make a film like Lost Highway or U-Turn.One of the more disappointing elements was the ending along with the ending music. It didn't kill it, but the director/writer really needs to work on that.
whirling-darkness This movie is horrible. Let's examine why... Is it the cinematography? Nope. It's fine and has some good moments. Is it the sound? Nah, it's forgettable but must have done its job. Is it the acting? Well. No. It's actually pretty good. Then what is it? It's the story! The plot line for the movie reads well and you get the feeling this is a great gem of a movie. So there is clearly potential there. What is unfortunate is what happens once the movie starts unfolding. The main character turns out to be a gutless, ball-less and altogether sorry excuse for a man with a spine, not to mention he is stupid to the point where you feel like slapping some sense into him.I don't know about you, but if my driving partner turned up dead at a gas station, the first thing I would do is scream HELP! The next thing is call the police myself. What does the protagonist do here? He stashes the body in the desert. Gah. Even after the movie ends on a supposedly good note, he can still get busted for this. Stupid stupid stupid.Second, letting two, highly unattractive, girls push him around again and again is just inexcusable. It isn't because of sexual tension, so why is it? Sure, you can build a movie around it, but you'd need some kind of proper motivation. At first there IS no motivation. He should have kicked them out of the car from the start. Then once they start acting up, he should have kicked them out again. The occasions where he can kick them out are numerous, but instead he acts like a complete retard and just lets them walk all over him. Argh!This movie sucks for this reason. Stupid, gutless main character.It could have been great, if they had prepared a stronger motivation for the guy to let the girls walk all over him. Unfortunately, it was just a teeth grinding experience watching the guy getting walked all over and lapping it up like a good little dog.I don't usually condone violence towards women, but if this guy had had any spine at all, he would have indulged in a bit of "see my fist? Taste my fist!" OR, he could have used several opportunities to run some psychological warfare of his own. But, alas, stupidity and an empty ball-sack is all that predominates here.Please, stay far away from this movie, unless you like to have your intelligence insulted, and enjoy the feeling of wanting to beat some sense into the main character.