Into My Heart

6| 1h37m| en

At Columbia University, during the week of John Belushi's death, lifelong friends Ben and Adam meet Nina at a student bar. After Nina and Adam marry, she goes to grad school in New York, while he begins a career as a writer. Ben marries Stanford law student Kat, and they both find work in New York. Lives are altered after Ben and Nina enter into an affair.


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Sweetland Films


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Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
orcarisesatdusk Into my Heart is both moving and thought provoking. Th characters are excellently drawn and realized. The film considers hypocrisy and moral uncertainties in a very mature way. Chilly late fall locations and a beautiful score by Michael Small underline the subtly of the excellent dialogue, and the emotional fragility of the leads. This is a film that will not be appreciated by anyone looking for pat, Manichean answers to what are very complex situations. Jayne Brooke's performance as Kat stands out for its nuanced brilliance. In a way, she is the audience's proxy, attempting to parse the complexities of the other three's long standing connections. A must see for anyone interested in human relationships.
MaratSade I loved this film. It deserves and demands a truly attentive viewing,and rewards that attention with a wealth of insight, nuance, and moments of emotion so striking and realistic they're almost heartbreaking to watch. The acting and dialog is absolutely first rate, and the chilly feel evoked by the unblinking location shooting in Manhattan and The Berkshires brilliantly underscores the film's themes of love, envy and betrayal. It's hard to believe how this missed being a bigger film. Much more ballyhooed projects have tackled similar themes far less adeptly. Into My Heart is an overlooked gem, brimming with sincerity; It touches your heart and mind in subtle, sometimes unnerving ways, and lingers long after the final credits. Film lovers should put this one on their must see list.
Philip Van der Veken Before starting to write this review I saw that this movie got a pretty bad score (6/10 at the time) and I really don't understand why that is. Perhaps it's not the greatest movie of all times, but it sure deserves a lot better than the actual rating. But I guess I know why it isn't such a popular movie: there aren't any action scenes, no fast cars, no big explosions... only a couple of people in their late twenties, early thirties who try to deal with their lives and relationships...Two men who have been friends since childhood have grown up, doing everything together their entire lives. When they go to college, they meet a young woman who works at the local bar. One of them falls in love and starts a relationship with her, while the other one claims that she isn't his type. But it's clear that between the two their is some kind of chemistry and after several failed relationships and a bad marriage, the other one starts an affair with his best friends wife...As I already said earlier in this review: this isn't a movie for people who want to see a lot of car chases or other action scenes. This is a movie for people who enjoy movies with some good dialogs and some nice acting, people who are used to watch independent or foreign movies. I'm one of those people and I was pleasantly surprised by this one. That's why I give it a 7.5/10.
Starbuck-13 I watched this one only for a single reason: Claire Forlani. She is so beautiful that I can't express it with words (and I couldn't in German as well, so it's not a genuine language problem).In this movie, she is married to a writer and his best friend somehow falls in love with her - well, seeing her in her full beauty makes this biggest of loyalty breaches understandable in my book.But the director seems to see the act of cheating as the ultimate sin. I don't want to spoil too much here, not that there would be too much to spoil anyway, but I really felt that the moral index finger of the film makers was too much to swallow. Okay, it's nothing a friend should do to cheat on his best friend with his wife - but hey, feelings sometimes make us do things that are not really clever, but still that's what feelings are there for in a way... and since it always takes two persons to cheat on a third one, I really could not understand what this movie wanted to express in the end. Drama? Yes. Romance? A little. Relevance? None at all. That is except for watching Claire Forlani looking like an angel - again.