Invaders from Mars

1986 "Their conquest has already begun. . . . He knows they’re here."
5.5| 1h40m| PG| en

In this remake of the classic 1950s sci-fi tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked schoolteacher and other townspeople. With the aid of the school nurse the boy enlists the aid of the U.S. Marines.


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BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
bowmanblue It's hard to believe that in 1986 the world was treated to James Cameron's 'Aliens.' Not only was it an awesome sequel to Ridley Scott's 'Alien' movie, but it also set the trend for female role models in science fiction forever. But then you probably already know this. However, what you might not know is that 'Invaders From Mars' was also released that year. It too had a female lead, but it's unlikely that she'll be remembered in such ground-breaking terms as our flamethrower-wielding space lieutenant. She spends her time screaming, getting into trouble and generally being one of the worst representations of women on the big screen since 'Willie' from 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.' But, I'm getting ahead of myself. She's just one part of a much bigger problem.It's always brave of film-makers to produce a film which has a child as the main star, especially if the film isn't really aimed at children to begin with. In fact, it's actually quite hard to see who this film is aimed at. Part of it feels like it should be some PG children's film about a plucky young scamp, accidentally stumbling across an alien plot and then foiling it in a light-hearted manner (think 'The Explorers' in style, but with more tension). However, it then comes across as quite a lot darker in tone, making it almost seem like a horror movie, but without too much gore. As I say, the star is a – very annoying – young boy with an awful haircut (even by eighties standards!) whose home town comes under attack from aliens who take over his parents (amongst others). He therefore runs around shrieking the whole time in an attempt to get people to believe what's happening. Yet, no matter how annoying he comes across, he's still better than the female lead (his teacher) who he constantly has to tell what to do.The reason I watched this film (besides my natural love of sci-fi and eighties cheese-fests) was because of the aliens from Mars. If you look at any advertising relating to this film you'll see that they're featured heavily. And there's a reason – they're the only decent thing in this movie. The monsters really are pretty special for practical/non-CGI effects. It's just a shame that it feels like the whole film's budget has gone on them and they're only it in for a handful of scenes.Okay, so you can probably tell I'm not a massive fan of the film, but – from a personal point of view – the aliens weren't just the only good thing about the film. Eventually, the boy enlists the help of the military to help out and, for once, they're surprisingly competent. Not only that, but James Karen (most famous from his roles in the first two 'Return of the Living Dead' films) also pops up as the general and – as always – he's a treat to watch.The ending was sort of okay too, but it was too little too late. The two leads are possibly some of the most annoying characters ever committed to screen and the cool practical effects just don't warrant sitting down to watch this one.
pauldicioccio This is meant to be a Saturday night beer and popcorn movie. Lighten up, kids! Do you not think this cast of established actors, along with a director like Tobe Hooper, did not set out to just have a fun day in the park as they made this movie? The special effects (except for the aliens) are excellent. The kid is very good, he portrays terror every time he encounters the aliens and every time he tries to explain it to an adult and nobody believes him. The scene where he goes over the hill into to glowing pit is very well done and eerie. And the music score is beautiful,especially end credits. All in all, this is an enjoyable movie to just sit back and chillax with.
jadzia92 Invaders from Mars (1986) (which incidentally is also the name of the Doctor Who season 28 opener) is not a bad remake of the original 1953 movie. The menace displayed in this movie is pretty well served here.Hunter Carson was very good as the young boy David Gardner who saw the aliens and the only who was on his side on this initially is school counselor Linda Magnusson (Karen Black).Thrilling what goes on along the way. Quite a surprise what happened at the last scene and the shocking ending.Incidentally, was surprised to find out from a DVD featurette that Jimmy Hunt who played the police chief was the original David in the 1953 film.
Scott LeBrun Tobe Hooper's elaborate, bigger budgeted 80s remake of the 1953 science fiction classic does have scale going for it, as well as a see-it-to-believe-it cast and talented crew. Scripted by Dan O'Bannon & Don Jakoby, it tells the story of David Gardner (Hunter Carson), ordinary kid who witnesses first hand the invasion of evil Martian creatures which proceed to enslave lots of local humans, Davids' own parents (Timothy Bottoms and Laraine Newman) among them.The problem, at least for this viewer, is that this doesn't have the stark nightmarish quality of the original, and is also often too silly for its own good, going for a camp quality, in terms of both acting and dialogue. Depending on ones' sensibilities, they can either appreciate or groan at lines such as "You'd better hurry, or you just might blow it." and "You don't carry loose change into combat, sir.". We also have the parents acting all goofy and eating either meat that's been overcooked or not cooked at all.Yet, moments like this contrast with some pretty good sequences such as seeing how the humans get their minds manipulated or when the tunnelling devices emerge from underneath the ground. The sets are quality stuff, what with people like Leslie Dilley ("Star Wars") as production designer and Craig Stearns ("Halloween" '78) as art director. The special effects are amusing, to say the least, with Stan Winston and crew crafting some memorable "Mr. Potato Head" aliens as well as a Martian intelligence that is actually kind of a cute lil' thing.The actors are mostly all pros (with the exception of Carson, the real-life son of co-star Karen Black) and some of them do a pretty fine job of maintaining poker faces. In addition to those actors mentioned, we've got Ms. Black doing an appealing job as the school nurse, Louise Fletcher playing her umpteenth Nurse Ratched like role as the miserly frog eating teacher, Bud Cort as a nerdy young S.E.T.I. scientist, the great James Karen of "The Return of the Living Dead" as an ass kicking, cigar chomping Marine general, Jimmy Hunt (who played the kid in the 1953 film) as the police chief, and veteran military technical adviser Dale Dye in a bit.One good thing about "Invaders from Mars" '86 is that it's never boring, and it does have nice touches here and there (the bit with the copper, the cameo by the original Martian Intelligence), and it's at least pretty true to the first film when it comes to the resolution. It's best recommended to undemanding fans of 80s genre fare.Six out of 10.