Invasion of the Star Creatures

1962 "Beautiful... Deadly... In their Veins the Blood of Monsters!"
3.1| 1h10m| en

Beautiful alien Amazonian women plan to conquer the world using an army of vegetable monsters. Dim-witted privates Philbrick and Penn bumble into a cave in search of atomic activity but collide instead with fierce carrot-topped tree mutants and their leaders, the 7-foot space sirens Prof. Tanga and Dr. Puna. This lavishly low-budget sci-fi romp has the bodacious aliens planning to overrun Earth with their vege-men army, but first they want the G.I.s to explain the meaning of love.


Producted By

Alta Vista Productions


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VividSimon Simply Perfect
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
CallEmLike ICem It feels weird saying that "Invasion of the Star Creatures" is one of the worst movies ever, since after watching I can't believe it actually is one. I'll just say it's one of the worst excuses for a movie I've seen.Making you appreciate Ed Wood for the genius he truly was, "Invasion" is painfully unfunny from beginning to end, which can't come soon enough.A script this bad could only be fixed with a cup of gasoline, a match, and a little wide-open space. There are two breathtaking alien women who will make any man's heart sing with joy to see them in their space-alien costumes, which seem amazingly similar to matching swimsuits and high heels. Cutting the movie down to their scenes only would leave about 7 minutes, but it would be worth it, in my opinion.I suppose it's a satire, but like everything else this is handled so ineptly it's impossible to tune your brain waves into the low frequency this operates on. Persons in captivity who are shown this could make a successful lawsuit for inhumane treatment.I didn't like it.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- 1962, In the 1950's on a assignment from a local missile site 'Nicholson Mesa'; two dimwitted soldiers are sent to investigate a mysterious crater and cave. They stumble upon a scary plant-like creature. They follow the Vege-Monster creature into the cave and find a buried spacecraft. The two large beautiful women aliens capture the army men to study them. The men are told that the invaders are from outer space and are here to take over the Earth. Soon, the men use their small wits to fool the alien female vixens with speaking of 'love' matters between the species and think they might have a way to save the planet Earth. The fate of this planet rests in the hands of two soldier rejects.*Special Stars- Bob Ball, Frankie Ray *Theme-The American soldier can solve any problem, anyway.*Trivia/location/goofs- This film looks like an offshoot of a burlesque routine. The two main beauties are clearly stage strippers and the two soldiers act like burlesque comics of the 40's era. Even the sight gags and line are pure 'vintage' stage material. Look for some famous and over-used actor's impressions from the two lead actors/soldiers. The lighting continuity noticeably and humorously changes during the special effect jump cuts in the colonel's office and the cave scenes. This film was supposed to jump-start the acting careers of the two lead comedians, but didn't. The fat man thug pulled out of the car and knocked out in the Commander Connors dream sequence is the film's director/actor, Bruno VeSota. The cave location is the venerable Bronson Caves in Gower Park, Hollywood. The Vege-men are made of burlap bags, ping-pong balls, and black tights and they look like that on screen.*Emotion- An enjoyable but rather zany hold over romp from the burlesque days and stripper shows of the WW2 period. 'Retro' enjoyment at it's best or worst for campy fun and titillation.
Michael_Elliott Invasion of the Star Creatures (1962) BOMB (out of 4) This sci-fi film is without question one of the worst ever made. Two soldiers, acting like Abbott and Costello, land in a cave where beautiful women try to take them hostage. This film clearly tries to rip off various sci-fi films from this era but it also goes a step further and tries to rip off various Abbott and Costello films. It's rather shocking no one tried to sue this film for those reasons but personally I'd put a lawsuit in just because of how bad this movie is. I love bad movies but this one here is beyond bad and never enters the "campy fun" nature of something by Ed Wood. The performances are horrid, the women boring and the jokes are worse than something a three year old could come up with. I'd still recommend people watch the film just to see how bad the monster is.
sergio choren This is the worst brain damaged, ultra cheap, super stupid, silly, pointless piece of trash I've ever seen, an unbelievable garbage of instant cult status among fans of the bizarre. If you think that Ed Wood's "Plan 9" is bad, well... let me tell you, looks like "Citizen Kane" compared to that one. ¿Special effects?...again, "Plan 9" is "Star Wars". ¿Acting?...Thor Johnson is Al Pacino... so it's beyond bad, really. But if you are looking for that kind of incredible movies, it's for you! I'm a fan of American International for so many glorious horror movies, the Price-Corman-Poe saga and some great blaxploitation stuff, but with "Star Creatures" they descend right down to the Z level. Of course, my 1 out of 10 works in reverse if you like to watch bad movies for fun (the guy playing an Indian chief is great) so have fun and enjoy... if you can.