It's a Lot

2.8| 1h36m| en

British comedy about an unpopular and uncool student who decides to hold a massive birthday party in his rich parents' house as a way to win the heart of the hottest girl in his college class.


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Scanner-Rhodes Productions


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Also starring Roxy Sternberg


Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
SnoosReviews I can't really give this a full review as I didn't watch the full film. I got about half way through and it was that bad I simply couldn't continue. The reason I watched this film was the genre and the cast members. Femi Oyeniran, who plays the lead role and directed It's A Lot was fantastic in Kidulthood. In this movie however, he was absolutely awful. He plays the posh, upper class kid who leaves his private school to attend his cousins high school in 'the ends'. The accent he puts on is horrific, the worst posh accent imaginable. His two best mates are irritating, unrealistic, unlikeable and their acting abilities are given a 0 out of 10 from me. The lead character is left home alone for two weeks and in that time he crashes his Dads Ferrari and must find '20 grand' in two weeks. For a couple of crushed bumpers. 20 grand!?! Even if that is supposed to be in the name of comedy, it's ridiculous and is that really the best joke and plot point they could think of? He also gets used by the most popular girl in the school as she wants to throw a party at his massive house whilst his parents are away..Then I turned it off.Anuvahood is a fantastic example on how to make a UK Urban comedy successfully. It's A Lot is a fantastic example on how to not make a film. The acting, characters, scenarios, jokes & storyline are all awful. It's not funny, it tries so hard to make you laugh and it is simply painful to watch. Femi Oyeniran should hang up his directing boots right now and never attempt an upper-class accent again. Horrific.1/10
Joshua DeVoto We be like ...(Apparently IMDb won't let me use a word for ten sentences ... lol si so they are forcing me to put insanity in your head for the next few minutes good: you only live once. go to corporate policy dot org and check that out. Let's have a toast for the Royal Dutch while we're at it. Chinoso I live with a Dominican from Santo Domingo. You know like a native New York City resident for the last sixteen years and New Jersey resident for twenty years before that. The message of this movie is all in the title. The characters are very personal and relocatable what? I don't know it was supposed to say relatable lmao really Google Chrome spell check you don't know the word relatable go figure I still love Adblock Plus but stop cheating the people and make silicon valley pay transportation taxes with the rest us Hey switch it up now OMG Jesus is watching you so don't say any bad words too love all of you Movie was funny, especially the credits)... I'm American
Jesse Boland Funny throwback to classics like House Party, or even Disorderlies. Great cast of characters, and a well written story that is just packed with light hearted fun, and a lot of what you can only hope is the true sentiment of the youth today. From the start you are introduced to the most incompetent, and oblivious adults and the kids are all so mature, and trying to take the best from what life has to offer them. I Enjoyed the story, and how quickly it moves on from the silly teen romp that it could have been, and gets to the business of unity, and helping each other through the toughest of times. A fake charity is evil, and should not ever be allowed, there is a big missing piece in that there are no real consequences besides having to clean some toilets. However I do recommend this movie as a decent little comedy that most people will enjoy. If you have trouble with accents, then you will not understand most of this movie, as a lot of it is really just the promotion of slang, and new jargon, though if you get into that, or past it then there is a decent movie here.
marhop18 Quite funny and actually has a message behind it. Although some of the jokes are a bit obvious, It's A lot seems to attempt to address many of the issues currently having being faced my young people today. I've now registered to give blood in support of Leukemia. It's been a while since a comedy has actually left me thinking.I'd most definitely recommend it to my daughter and her friends and its hilarious how I'm using some of my new found street lingo with her(much to her embarrassment.I hope if nothing else, this can show young people it's OK to be true to themselves.

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