
6| 0h24m| en

The world’s most notorious jackass, Matt Pritchard of Dirty Sanchez fame, has been unceremoniously tossed into prison on a trumped-up indecent exposure charge. And life on the inside is less kind than you’d think for the mad Welshman who’s made a name for himself self-inflicting bodily harm and inserting assorted objects into places where the sun don’t shine. Like Paris Hilton before him, Pritch has become the ultimate Subservient Celebrity – and now you’re calling the shots.


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Whyte House Productions


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Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...