A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
This is great! If you research their home page, you'll observe their creative journey as well as the awards they've already received. This is the kind of show (a little short as it may be, but YOU try making a stop motion film for 1,680 seconds). I don't how many frames per second they used yet, but surely several thousands total frames? Then with dozens of tiny little arms, legs, trees, etc. to move in a realistic fashion ...... for each frame............not counting the special facial layering work that makes their conversations work so well.The grownups as well as kids will find interesting details, surprises & little homages to other productions if they look carefully. I didn't want to put any spoilers in this, but was pleasantly surprised to see one particular scene that puts a little of modern action work into a situation where it fits very well.With this show, you truly have to watch several times to catch all the details.We're still trying to figure out how they did the fo....., sorry, not doing the spoilers, just remembered again.... but I DO have at least 10 favorite scenes/humor that I can think of immediately.Well done, & looking for the next show already....