
2002 "Put him together... He will tear you apart!"
3.3| 1h19m| R| en

A college class tackles a bizarre project - splitting up a mannequin, they each decorate a piece. The net result is an exquisite corpse they name 'Jigsaw'. After a night of drunken confessions, the group burns the lifeless body but their darkest secrets come back to haunt them when their brainchild rises from the ashes, targeting each of the creators for a brutal death that is in keeping with their own fears!



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Full Moon Pictures


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Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
richy23-1 Straight to the point, this is one of the best horror films i've ever seen. The storyline is gripping from the start till the end - and you'll want to see the movie again and again. The acting throughout is superb and this movie deserves 10/10. Whoever says it's rubbish and deserves 1/2 stars obviously did see the class throughout. Jigsaw is one of the best horror characters of all time, and i would say he's a better character than anyone in Saw 1,2 or 3. I would also say that Saw 1,2 and 3 are worse than this movie - this really sets standard for horror movies.One of the Best Horror Movies of all time.
Andrew Jakiel I love B movies..but come on....this wasn't even worth a grade...The ending was dumb...b/c THERE WAS NO REAL ENDING!!!..not to mention that it comes to life on its own...I mean no lighting storm or crazy demonic powers?? Slow as hell and then they just start killing off the characters one by one in like a 15 min time period...and i won't even start on the part of the thing killing the one guy without its head....and then you don't even get to see what Jigsaw even does with his so called "new jigsaw puzzle"....Unless you have nothing better to do...Id watch paint dry before Id recommend this God-forsaken movie to anyone else...oh and to make it even better the other movie totem you can see the guy throwing the one creature in the basement scene from the window..that was funny as hell and probably the only good part of watching that waste of film
Cking-2 This movie is polished and better written than most of the direct-to-video horror films that get released, but it falls short when the horror stuff is supposed to be happening. By that, I mean the gore; for a movie that has a monster with a sawblade for a hand marching about, I truly expected there to be limbs flying about! Maybe the filmmakers shouldn't have spent so much time on the other characters stories (or had less characters to begin with) and concentrated more on the action parts of the story...
NateF88 I loved this movie. It made me shiver. It was really well made for a low budget movie. I was at the premier at Flashback Weekend and met all the actors, it was fun. Anyway here is the correct plot (minor spoilers):A college professor named Collin has in his mind the perfect final project of the semester: to split up a mannequin he names JIGSAW and give a separate part to a different student. Each student will take his or her part home and decorate it with something they fear or with something that means stuff to them. He chooses five student (or you could call them victims) to participate. One of them is joke Eddie, who always talks and never stops wise-cracking. The other is Tawny, my favorite character, who is really pretty. Another is Todd, who hates Eddie and likes Tawny. Another is Louise, who has an abusive husband named Art. Finally, there's Valerie, who Collin personally likes himself. All the other students that weren't chosen to be included in the project autimatically get an A and don't have to come to the final class.All the students chosen decarate their part. Eddie is given the head, Tawny is given an arm, Louise is given a leg, Valery is given another leg, and Todd is given an arm. Well, for the final class, Collin and the other five students meet at a bar in the middle of the woods called Sneaky Pete's run by a nice old man. They present their different body parts they decorated and tell a story behind them. Todd puts a saw on the arm, which is the highlight of the movie. Well, they present their parts, put all of the decorated pieces bck together to form the mannequin JIGSAW. Collin is a heavy drinker, so he lets each student pick out any drink they want from the bar and the whole group must drink it as they tell their stories. Louise brings her drunk and abusive husband along, who plays games all night and makes sure Collin dosn't hit on Louise.After they put JIGSAW together, they all go out in the middle of the woods in an open field and have a giant bonfire. Eddie had the most fun with the head, so he attached a working camera onto Jigsaw and made his hair fireworks, which makes him look like he has a mohawk. They burn JIGSAW, and the fireworks go off, then the class is over. So the students and Collin go back to the bar to just hang out and drink for the rest of the night with Pete, the nice owner, while some stay in the field to make out. All of a sudden, one of the students thinks they see JIGSAW's head begin to twitch or nod, and then the terror begins. JIGSAW comes alive, and is set out to make his own mannequin, made of pieces of the students or anyone that gets in his way.I really did love this movie. I thought the plot was great, and it was scary. My favorite character was Tawny, she was also the most interesting, and i liked JIGSAW to. He was good. The violence and scary stuff dosn't start to happen until about 50 minutes through, but the story is very interesting nonetheless. I also thought it ended at the perfect moment. I know there will be some people who will be complaining about the ending and that it should have lasted longer, but what else do you need to know? It ended at the perfect moment (something most horror movies don't do). I loved this movie. did i already say that? It will be rentable at video stores, and make sure you rent it, you won't be disappointed. i hope they make a sequel.