John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls

2018 "Duty. Loyalty. Sacrifice. Country."
7.5| 1h44m| en

In-depth look at the life of John McCain, from his time as a POW in Vietnam to his three decades of service in the US Senate.


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Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Matt Greene Any chance to be reminded of the actual humanity within the increasingly-inhuman world of politics is welcome. This doc fits McCain, being more honest than many political docs about its subject. Yes, he's made, & owns up to, some principled mistakes (Sarah Palin, lying during campaign, shady funds), but his honesty & hardwork must make him among the most likable modern politicians. And his off-the-cuff defense of Obama during their opposing campaigns is one of my favorite American political events ever.
bobbiekostos Mr. McCain is truly someone to respect & admire. The entire documentary was so interesting & heart-warming. Sad that he will be unable to run for president as we desperately need a man of integrity representing this great country. I would have voted for him had not Sarah Pallin arrived. I totally respect anyone who can admit being wrong. He is a very strong human being & will never be forgotten. Thank you Senator McCain!
Danny Blankenship This "HBO" doc on U.S. Senator John McCain is well done and informative and in depth as it takes the viewer to inside access of his political life in Washington D.C. and it shows his humble and gentle side at his Arizona home with family. The footage and access is top notch showing John's days as a POW in Vietnam and interviews with family and friends showed how that affected them and how it would shape John's life.Shown also is the highlights and the footage of his political life of winning elections in the U.S. Senate and his unsuccessful presidential bids of 2000 and 2008 are discussed. Democrats and Republicans both like Clinton, Bush, Biden, and Obama are interviewed and all give John praise of respect for how he worked well with both sides.Tough yet humble John McCain always spoke for honesty, and doing the right things as he loved country and freedom first as the doc showcased it so well.