Jona / Tomberry

7.2| 0h12m| en

Borges meets Murnau in a spinning nightmare. And the baby sings: “No, not be scared old bird, to awake and see I am dreaming you”.




Producted By

Studio Rosto A.D


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Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Rectangular_businessman Jona/Tomberry is a very strange but at same time, an incredibly captivating animated short, which feels pretty much like the CGI equivalent of the excellent works done by Terry Gilliam and the Brothers Quay, in the sense that both share the same dream-like quality, which it is combined with even crazier elements that here work perfectly well.Jona/Tomberry has a wonderfully dark atmosphere, which fits perfectly well with the the nightmarish tone of the story, with a very stylish character design and a impressive animation.This is a very imaginative, totally crazy short, which shows that not everything have been said in the wide world of animation.
Chickenfoo I first saw this in my Survey of Electronic Arts class. It was on the latest SIGGRAPH DVD from the conference. I have to say this animation is frightening, beautiful, and a technical marvel. They have figured out a way to combine live action and CG in ways I never thought. The plot is hard to follow (if there even is one), but what it lacks in coherence, it makes up for in fantastic mood and atmosphere. I imagine that this is how people on drugs view a normal movie, so I wouldn't recommend taking any, otherwise your brain might simply rupture. I can't really give any sort of synopsis, except that there's a guy with a sharp-toothed whale for a camera, another guy with a huge gun, a singing baby with a fish tail, and some talking tree monsters that can walk on the ceiling...and there's mirrors in there too...lots of mirrors...