
2010 "Fantasy, Comedy"
7.9| 0h46m| NR| en

Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JOURNEYQUEST is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intellectual orcs, incompetent wizards, and holy zombies form the living (and not-so-living) backdrop to an epic story of unrequited love, burning passions, and severely reluctant heroism. And running away. Lots of running away…



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Dead Gentlemen Productions


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Diagonaldi Very well executed
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lamia7609 I just stumbled on this today and me and my boyfriend binge watched all of them. I cried my eyes out over Carrow. It's amazing how special effects don't matter when the story is actually engaging and the dialogue is so good. The acting has improved so much since the very first Gamers that I watched a long time ago. I am so happy to see Dead Gentlemen is still going. This makes me want to game more than I have in a long time. Good Job to every one...please save Carrow....
BoxcarEdit The first season's episodes are short. Keep watching. They get even funnier and thread together well. The writing is great. It's really well acted (including a few known actors and some who will clearly get picked up in other things) and well put together. For a series made without a big studio budget this is three notches above what you typically see. I heard someone describe this as "Lord of the Rings meets Monty Python" and that's just about right. You don't have to be super into medieval settings to like this. There are plenty of clever lines, funny subtitles for things not in English (surprise! Orcs don't speak English!), and plot setups that you don't see coming until they hit.Funnier than most TV shows out there.
hellraiser7 The people at Dead Gentlemen always had a fascination with fantasy and RPG, I can emphasize with that because I do too. They've done the next best thing, they've created a fantasy web series which is not really something I've seen or I feel has been done much at all.There's really not a whole lot to say, it's simply Adventurers whom go on a quest to find a magic sword which of course is the typical maguffin device in fantasy, to save the land from evil. That's it simple but that's what I like about it, it's a simple plot but that's the clothes line for what the characters do and what happens to the characters.One of the things I like is how the series is formatted and how it gradually develops. In a way this series is almost like a soap opera, it sorta is since it has some elements of melodrama, twists, people and things happening in different places more or less connected to each other and plot (or what resembles one) thickening little by little. Only difference though is this show is actually entertaining.I really like the production value as usual the amateurs they are they have to work with a low budget but they used it well. I love the use of the locales which were big enough to create a fantasy world, costumes were also great, the action scenes were decent they were well choreographed. Like the make up work on the orc, goblins, and demons they were on par. Music score was decent it at least fits the show.However what powers it are the script writing and characters. The characters I think are solid they're all pretty much typical fantasy archetypes, but what makes them stand out is how they play contrary to those types. Doing and saying what those types normally wouldn't say or do. There are a few characters that stand out for from a knight character (forgot his name) but he was great he sort of reminds me of the Lancelot character from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" just a person that is gung ho and thinks with his sword instead of his brains which is what leads him to commit unnecessary slaughter.The Yellow Wizard (Christian Doyle) isn't true to his title of Wizard. But is true to his color Yellow. He's pretty similar to the Chris Winner character in Dead Gentlemen's earlier "Demon Hunter" films only he's a wizard; or even Sir Robin from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". This guy is practically useless in the quest from not being able to weld spells worth a damn but retreating from the trouble the minute he sees it, makes me wonder why the hell he even came at all. Yet, the only high point for him is he's able to uncover things though his dumb luck, so I guess that does make him useful by a tiny margin.But my favorite character is "The Assassin" (Sanara Lermu), I just think she's awesome because not just is she capable of kicking some butt but she has dry charisma, mysterious in both identity and motives, and she's kinda hot (I know what she looks like). What can I say, I'm into bad and mysterious girls.But like in any RPG game there are those inavertant misteps. One of those misteps are the verbal humor isn't that memorable, I don't know if it's just me or not but there just aren't enough memorable lines. I don't really like the whole Bard subplot, it doesn't really do anything for the story for me anyway and is kinda boring, I thought so anyway.But like any journey the further it goes along the easier and more interesting it gets like this show as the seasons progress. Overall, its a solid web series that I think is worth a look, it has enough magic to keep you entertained. Journey Quest is a strange but fun journey.Rating: 3 stars
John Chroninger Leave it to the Dead Gentleman to knock another one out of the proverbial park. It is also time to point out that Matt Vancil is the Kevin Smith of fantasy. It is, with open eyes, a career that needs to be watched closely. The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, really allows the viewer to know and understand the acting styles of Christian Doyle, Brian Lewis, Nathan Rice, Scott C. Brown, Kevin Inuouye, and Jennifer Page. The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, left viewers with a sense of wanting to see more from these fine actors and actresses and the Dead Gentleman with the help of Zombie Orpheus Entertainment would not let the viewer's go without. Adding new talent in the form of Anne Kennedy and Emilie Rommel Shimkus the crew sets out on yet another epic journey to entertain the people with the latest installment, "Journey Quest." Here Christian Doyle (Perf) is a cowardly mage who is trying to leave the adventure that won't let him go. Watching the relationship between, Christian Doyle and Brian Lewis, in the Gamers: Dorkness Rising, gives you a good idea on how these two actors feed off of each other to create many funny moments. *** Spoiler Alert ***In Journey Quest the people watching get to see Brian Lewis go from playing a complete a**hole In the Gamers: Dorkness Rising, to playing a fun loving character that meets an unfortunate end only to be become a living zombie. Journey Quest is one of the best films of 2010 and will make for a spectacular item to add to any movie collector's collection when it is complete.Keep up the great work as the viewer's wait on pins and needles to see episode 8.John Chroninger Author of the book "The House" January 01, 2011