Strong and Moving!
Perfect cast and a good story
A Disappointing Continuation
Aspen Orson
There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.
JUNGLEGROUND is a really cool 90s urban set Action Thriller starring the AWESOME RODDY PIPER R.I.P here he's fantastic as the Action Hero of this film.Roddy really was a great actor & should have made it bigger into an Action star but he didn't? He ended up,as the lead role at least in straight to video films, but that DEFINITELY doesn't mean his films are bad!!! JUNGLEGROUND is a fun Thriller about a certain area that's so bad & violent & gang infested that even cops won't go there & that place is called jungleground & our hero Roddy has a little mission down there, some kinda undercover drugs bust as he's a Cop & let's just say things go wrong & Roddy is from then on being Hunted in the urban hell hole by gangs & it's so much fun.The gangs are ridiculously un-scary but fun & like i said Roddy makes a great Hero & very likable & he does some cool action & runs alot through the dark & dangerous night time streets of JUNGLEGROUND. DEFINITELY check this little low-budget Action GEM, this film makes good late night entertainment Also if like me you love Roddy piper films check out THEY LIVE,TOUGH & DEADLY & SCI-FIGHTERS all good Action Thrillers. R.I.P RODDY PIPER
For what it was,this film wasnt too bad at all.If you keep in mind the budget and such,and dont have a problem with B-Movies,and dont laugh at every flaw,like most majority does,then your gonna enjoy this.If you enjoy straight to video low budget action flicks,this is recommended.Piper does very good in this,and the fight scenes are definetly par above the horrible "Marked Man",the film piper did prior to this one.Not quite as good as "Tough And Deadly" or "Back In Action",but definetly one of pipers better performances in the action genre.
Roddy Piper does good action scenes and bone crunching maneuvers, but not all his films turn out that great. But this one is fun and exciting. It isnt however up there with They Live, but Jungleground is a good way to kill time watching an action flick.
Roddy Piper tries too hard in this one note action piece. Basically a rip off of every other run for your life through a futuristic wasteland. Watch Escape from New York, The Ultimate Warrior, or the Road Warrior instead.