Jurassic Shark

2012 "Dinosaur from the deep"
1.5| 1h15m| en

When an oil company unwittingly unleashes a prehistoric shark from its icy prison, the Jurassic killer maroons a group of art thieves and a group of college students on an abandoned island


Producted By

Dudez Productions


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Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
juanroberts Ignore all the other comments, this movie is the best of all time. Never have I seen a shark jump out of water, eat a person, and executes a perfect 180 in mid air only to dive back in the water. This movie was well casted, had brilliant acting, a convincing plot, and an ending leaving you thirsty for more. The only drawback is all of the scantly clad women in the movie. Women on beaches shouldn't be depicted as objects or eye candy. This movie is an awesome indication of future weaponry and how guns can now float in water. The military shop adopt such weaponry. Krystal and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. If you would like to discuss this movie further hit me up on facebook at Sebron Aikens... As always enjoy this masterpiece of a movie.
cindarella-75662 One of the finest pieces of art that my eyes have gazed upon. The dictionary defines superlative as of the highest order or supreme. I rate this movie as supreme in all aspects. It simply blasted my mind with delicate and intricate plots and themes that I just cant even .... Pl z, I beg that this movie be given a chance because the actors especially scintillated my senses and genitalia. Seriously underrated .. would defo recommend Oscars for the astute performance by the actors and state of the art CG I for the shark which rivals James Cameron avatar and m night shymalalamamas avatar( the legend of aaang). if your still reading this review go grab some popcorn ,close the door, put your hands down your pants and enjoy the highlight of your life, simply the meaning of life( what what would mahatma ghandi say?). Rating 420/69 #( SARCASM)#
John Peterson This will be the shortest review in the history of reviews but honest to God I don't remember much of the movie because it was so utterly boring. I bought the DVD from a discount-pile in a local store to watch with some friends but we where sorely disappointed. It's the standard college girls on vacation horror slasher-flick where the crazy maniac is replaced by some sort of badly animated dinosaur shark. Through the wooden monotone acting and boring screenplay I really couldn't care if these characters would live or die. and the computer effect make Sharknado look like Avatar. It is the darkest shark I ever seen on film (and I saw the Jaws-remakes)I would advice other people to stay away.
TheLittleSongbird Jurassic Shark is every bit as bad as the other reviewers have said, it is a classic example of how never to do a low-budget movie and quite possibly the worst shark movie ever, and there are some terrible ones out there. Any redeeming qualities? No, apart from that the most inspired the movie gets is its catchy title and the attractive girls but even they're wasted. Visually, while there are some cheap-looking low-budget movies out there Jurassic Shark really takes the cake complete with repetitive and very incomplete camera work and editing, murky lighting and truly dreadful special effects on the shark and the dinosaurs. The shark constantly changes size and looks like it was made of wood and cardboard and the dinosaurs look as though they would belong in a badly rendered video game from twenty years ago. They have no menace or even personality to speak out, and even worse the shark is severely under-utilised. The attacks, the way the shark behaves and deaths scream of you've-seen-it-all-before quality(and that's even in other shark movies) and are high on predictability and low on tension.Along with the very pedestrian and stiffly choreographed action, with the sound quality constantly fading in and out(that for the explosions sounding like they were on mute), the scenes with the shark and dinosaurs are so haphazardly shot with countless continuity errors that they were not easy to make out at times, scenes that can only be possibly enjoyed if you like unintentional humour. I can do, but not in movies this ineptly made. The dialogue sounds awkward and improvisatory constantly with very little cohesion, with the actors not knowing what to say and how to say it. The story is a complete muddled mess with elements of Jaws, Predator and Jurassic Park but with none of the suspense, thrills or entertainment, often feeling like three or more different stories going on at once and like the movie didn't know what to do with itself. It is an incredibly dull story too, mostly due to the complete lack of elements to make a good creature feature but also how much repetition there is, another shark movie to have constant repetition was Shark in Venice but Jurassic Shark manages to make the continuity in that movie tolerable in comparison. The human characters are uninteresting and annoying, the villains being way over-used and lacking in menace(shameful considering that they have more screen time than the shark). The acting aside from the special effects is probably the worst thing about the movie, the villains are so over-the-top pantomimic that they feel like they belong in a different movie and the girls are attractive but very vapidly acted. But most of it is wooden and completely lacking in emotion with absolutely no chemistry between them, how are we supposed to care about them when they show a complete indifference to what's going on and to each other. All in all, an abomination on every level. 0/10 Bethany Cox