Kansas: Miracles Out of Nowhere

7.9| 1h18m| en

2014 marked the 40th Anniversary of KANSAS! The classic lineup reunited, for the first time in more than 30 years, to relive the incredible, untold story of one of the most successful American rock bands. The Feature film includes in-depth interviews with all 6 original members along with Brian May (Queen), David Wild (Rolling Stone), Garth Brooks, and many more! Here how "Dust in the Wind" was just a passing comment away from never being recorded and how "free beer" changed their lives forever!



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ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
warreningram Just a correction to the post by the gentleman who said that all of the members of Kansas are from Kansas, sorry, Steve Walsh is from ST. Joseph Missouri, which I wish they would have given a few seconds to. Other than that, very well done documentary as I also am a big fan of the group Kansas. I enjoyed the behind the scenes information. Their relationship with Don Kirschner. I also thought the respect shown by Brian May was pretty cool. It was also pretty cool how they are still a part of the Topeka area and went to Steam Music in Topeka. It would have been nice to show what the band is up to now as Steve Walsh has left the band again, now being fronted by the lead singer of Shooting Star.
chrishager To answer the previous reviewer about why the story stopped without including "Audio-Visions" and "Monolith", there is one main reason. Kerry Livgren had already become the main songwriter for Kansas by the time to make "Audio-Visions". Both he and Steve Walsh make reference to that in the video. What is not explained is that Kerry had a conversion experience and became a committed Christian; that shines through in both "Audio-Visions" and "Monolith" as well the reunited Kansas effort of 2000 "Somewhere Out of Nowhere". Walsh left the group after "Monolith" deciding that the musical approach of Christian lyrics and prog style was not his thang. Kansas recruited John Elefante to replace Steve but after 2 more albums, both Livgren and Dave Hope packed it in too.I never thought Steve Walsh hated Kerry for his Christian views. Likely it was more of an ego thing between them that caused friction and Steve's ultimate departure. Look up the lyrics to "Relentless", the first song on "Audio-Visions". You will not find a more powerful witness to acceptance of Jesus Christ ANYWHERE in modern music.Kansas not being in the RnR Hall of Fame is a travesty and an indictment of the smug swarminess of the NYC cretins who control the Hall's operations.
dwpollar 1st watched 4/12/2015 – 7 out of 10(Dir-Charley Randazzo): Well put together rock documentary about the rise of the band Kansas. The movie goes quickly and gives out a lot of information about the band's beginnings all the way up to their popularity "peak", which was the "Point of Know Return" album. As un-pretentious as the band is --- that is how the documentary is, you get what you get – nothing more, nothing less. Although there is a little self-promoting at the end – otherwise they use other folk like Brian May of Queen and Garth Brooks to promote the band instead of themselves. The movie is no more than a bunch of people talking about the progression of the band(including all the original members), but the director makes the conversations flow easily from one to the next, and there is no wasted film-time. Some music is played, but only enough to make you want to listen to the recordings – the documentaries primary focus is the evolution from small house band to sold-out major stadium rock legends. After 40 years since the band's beginning the original members are brought back for this filming(which is a small miracle in itself). The "Miracles out of Nowhere" title refer to them being from rural Kansas and hitting the big time. The story isn't a whole lot different than other bands except for the previous fact. Their breaks came as other band's breaks come – from a record executive giving them a chance – which in this case is Don Kirshner. He patiently waits during the release of the first 4 albums – promoting them and the providing the money, until their big breakthrough album "Leftoverture." A must for fans of the band, and for those who are interested in how this group came about. Concise – to the point – filmmaking excels in the case of this story.
firefalcoln-927-427092 I came in as a big Kansas fan, like many watching this film I imagine did. But there was a lot to like if you are a classic rock or Progressive rock music fan in general. And there's a good chance one would like the film even if they didn't know anything of Kansas going in. The editing and pacing is very good for the casual viewer, and the twists and turns and since of beating the odds and rising from obscurity to the main stage is a story that is easy to like for just about anyone. The band members come off as very humble which is a nice refreshing change compared to many bands. The doc ends at the moment the band reaches their pinnacle,(not the song:) so there is no info on the bands decline and it's nasty effects which is mostly nice to avoid seeing. It's a very satisfying documentary.As a Kansas I was a bit surprised that the documentary didn't cover Monolith or Audio Visions albums since the original 6 were still together for those two, and both albums were solid, if not legendary. I wish there was more talk about some of the deeper tracks on the albums, which many Kansas fans like but know very little of their origins. Also I would have loved to hear more on how all the members got together. I know it wasn't as quick of a process as they made it out to be. But I really liked the documentary being focused on their unlikely rise to fame, in contrast to telling the usual band story of disagreeing, changing, breaking up, changing members, getting back together, etc.(Not that Kansas didn't go through all of that stuff) It seemed the thing was edited with a determined focus on fitting a 2 hour TV window.(which it did) I wish there was a longer edit too.

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