Keiko in danger

6.4| 1h30m| en

Many years ago, aliens released Keiko the killer whale on Earth. Since then he has spent most of his life in a water park and has taken the love from their caregivers and the public. Everything will change when the aliens come back for her.


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Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
rnc55 The only other movie this reminds me of is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Similar cheesy aliens/space outfits, a goofy comic relief guy and an intellectual level below the IQ of most 4 year olds. And it has the same incredibly cheesy overall look and feel to it, too. Bad? Well, yes, it's a bad movie. But I'm one of those people who loves bad movies. I mean, just reading the plot on the DVD sleeve made me burst out laughing, so I figured I was in for some spectacularly bad cinema, and I wasn't disappointed.The story? Aliens come to rescue an alien whale who was left on earth ten years earlier. With a plot line like that, how can you resist? This movie isn't so bad that it's good; rather, it's so ineffably horrific that it's great.Highly, highly recommended. And bonus points for the flying saucer that looks like a giant inflatable starfish.
Juanchos This one is a Mexican movie, its about a man who works in Reino Aventura where Keiko lives, and the man notice that the aliens are coming and they want to take Keiko with them, but the man that works in Reino Aventura, try to stop them with the help of children, so they fight together against the aliens and of course they win and Keiko stays in Mexico and in Reino Aventura. In the movie Keiko saves a boy and a girl that are drowning and trapped in the pool. Those children and the guy fight very hard to stop that aliens from taking away our most valuable pet, our Mexican sea symbol, our favorite animal, our friend: Keiko

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