Kill Theory

5.3| 1h22m| R| en

While celebrating a graduation at a secluded vacation home, a group of college students find themselves targeted by a sadistic killer who forces them to play a deadly game of killing one another in order to survive.


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Also starring Ryanne Duzich

Also starring Teddy Dunn


HeadlinesExotic Boring
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
suite92 The picture opens with Walter getting out of a psychiatric institution after three years for killing three of his friends. Walter and Karl discuss this for nuances. Karl wants to see how well Walter does in the next year, and schedules regular visits.The film transitions to another environment where Walter can another kill-the-group exercise. Brent and Amber, Michael and Jennifer, Carlos and Nicole, the heavy loner Freddie, and the biker girl Alex. The group celebrates (early) their upcoming graduation at a remote vacation house that belongs to Michael's family.After a night of drinking and story telling, they retire for the evening. Nicole gets up to get a snack, and Walter grabs her. He offers her the choice of killing Carlos or being murdered herself. She chose the latter; Walter records the whole thing, then throws Nicole's corpse through a window onto Carlos. Michael tries to get his father's rifle from the basement, but Walter had already taken it, In its place he left many photos from the preceding two weeks. Walter calls them on a radio and tells him that they have to kill each other for any of them to survive (winner take all or all lose). Michael and Carlos go out to get the pistol in his father's boat. The boat has been sunk, and Carlos gets badly injured on the way back. Michael leaves Carlos there since Michael thought he was dead.What's left? It's classic elimination derby. Whom can one trust? Do we have to hear every detail from Walter's first killing spree?------Scores-------Cinematography: 10/10 Nicely shot, including the majority of the film which was shot in low-light.Sound: 8/10 No real problems.Acting: 3/10 Lousy. I've seen worse, but not too much worse.Screenplay: 3/10 Ordinary. The victims are very unimaginative, which eliminated most of their possibilities. As it was, the victims did most of the killer's work for him. The histrionics were not all that interesting, and did not illustrate motivations all that well. For instance, why did these 'friends' have so much energy devoted to killing each other in very messy, inefficient ways?
blond-coconut I honestly have no idea why this movie has such a low rate.It was one of the best movies I've seen recently especially because,let's face it,there are a lot of movies these days that suck.Finding a good movie to watch is like finding a needle in a haystack,and today I found it.I was entertained throughout the whole movie,not one bit was boring,and that's the whole point,isn't it?The acting was OK,it could have been better,but it was far from bad and the acting is I think the only reason why I didn't give this movie a 10.The movie was exciting,intense and the ending was unexpected,but not in an annoying way (when I say annoying I mean like one of those movies where it turns out that everything was just in the main character's mind,which has become totally expected because there are so many movies that end like that).
venusboys3 Reasons I liked this 1. The idea of the villain making the victims kill each other was kinda new. 2. The acting was decent. 3. The surprise at the end was... a surprise.Reasons I didn't like this 1. The victims weren't particularly sympathetic or likable. I wanted to see them die. 2. The villain was a chatty bastard just like that moron Jigsaw. Man, just shut up with your damn philosophy garbage. Give me silent slashers like Leatherface, Jason or Michael... that or give me funny/scary ones like Freddy or Billy (Black Christmas). 3. Too much Shaky-CAM!!! 4. Too much pointless running around and jabbering just to pad out the time. 5. Lame High School (I know, they're supposed to be college students...) histrionic soap opera crap. I came away with the idea these people might have offed each other even without the encouragement of Mr. Talksalot.So... 5 to 3... means this movie was a dud. Only worth watching if you're really bored, like I was.
Critter1223 I went into this movie with such high expectations that I can't even describe. I was so excited because my friends saw it and told me it was awesome and the entire plot of this movie sounded cool. When I went to Blockbuster and rented it, I could barely wait to watch it. Then I put it in, watched it, and was upset. I didn't get exactly what I wanted. I thought it would be way different than it actually was. So I was pretty upset with the way it turned out. Then I watched it again last night and this time I knew what was going to happen so I thought it would be even worse, but then I watched it and it turned out to be one of my favorite movies. Since I went in the first time with such high expectations, it kind of sucked because I wasn't "watching the movie". But then I watched it for what it was, and what it was, and what it is was very good. I suggest renting it, or buying it.