Killer Tongue

1996 "The movie with outrageous taste."
4.5| 1h38m| R| en

A bank robber seeks refuge in a desert gas station run by nuns, awaiting her boyfriend's release. An alien meteorite transforms her into a flesh-craving monster with a monstrous tongue, while her poodles become drag queens.


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Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Wuchak Released in 1996, "Killer Tongue" stars Melinda Clarke as a woman hiding out with her four poodles in the desert of the Southwest USA with the cash from a bank robbery while her boyfriend (Jason Durr) is released from a nearby prison. When a meteorite crashes, her pastel-colored poodles morph into four drag queens while her tongue becomes an elongated separate entity that she must learn to control or somehow kill. A mute Nun (Mapi Galán) is also exposed to the meteorite and is converted into a racy majorette. Robert Englund is on hand as a gay prison guard.The movie plays like a mish-mash of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," "Rocky Horror," "Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" and "Pulp Fiction," but with a micro-budget. If that sounds like it'd be good; think again. The plot's creative, to say the least, but the writing is more tedious than amusing and the filmmaking is all-around subpar. By the hour-mark I was seriously tempted to stop (or, at least, fast-forward through the rest), but I forced myself to finish it. Thankfully, the last act perks up a bit.On the positive side, there are about four genuinely funny moments. Both Clarke and Galán are easy-on-the-eyes; the former ultra-sharp with her amazing eyes running around in a skintight PVC suit and the latter donning an alluring outfit à la Marvel's White Queen. There are 2-3 quality songs on the soundtrack/score and the tongue F/X were excellent for 1996 and hold up quite well.But it's all for naught because the movie's generally incoherent and tries too hard to be a bizarre cult flick with an overabundance of fruity twaddle.The film runs 94 minutes was shot in Almería, Andalucía, Spain, with studio stuff done in Madrid.GRADE: D (2.5/10)
BA_Harrison In his calculated bid for cult status, director Alberto Sciamma makes Killer Tongue as weird and wacky as possible, throwing in such outlandish ingredients as a talking extraterrestrial tongue that inhabits the mouth of a female bank robber, a group of poodles transformed into drag queens, a nun given a sexy make-over by the aforementioned poodle people, a fascistic wig-wearing prison guard with a pet dove, and all manner of bloody deaths including lots of full body explosions; the result is a predictably garish, gaudy, gory and extremely camp exercise in cartoonish excess (think John Waters' films/Earth Girls Are Easy/Priscilla, Queen of the Desert mixed with any other outrageous nonsense that crosses your mind), but it is one that frequently falls flat on its outlandish ass, not just by being dreadfully unfunny and extremely irritating at times, but for simply for trying TOO hard.The cast, clearly believing that this film would become a favourite with the B-movie crowd, thus immortalising them in the pantheon of cult cinema, put in embarrassingly OTT performances, desperately trying to inject a manic sense of fun into proceedings but failing spectacularly. Robert Englund is particularly cringe-worthy in his role as the jack-booted guard who leers at photos of hunky men in the john, but everyone else gives him a good run for his money. Meanwhile, Sciamma ladles on almost every vulgar and ostentatious camp cliché possible, only drawing the line at delivering a musical number involving gay dwarfs in sequined tutus and a troupe of fire-breathing gimps.About the only people who deserve any praise for this mess are Bob Keen and his Image Animation team, who don't let the inanity of the whole project prevent them from providing some impressive animatronic tongue effects and quite a bit of nice splatter.
capkronos Here's a horror version of PRISCILLA: QUEEN OF THE DESERT (they wish!) starring Melinda/Mindy (RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 3) Clarke as Candy, a desert dweller who pulls off a bank heist with boyfriend Johnny (Jason Durr). He ends up in a South-of-the-border prison run by the sadistic Chief Screw (an overacting Robert Englund in a toupee). She and her beloved pet poodles end up in hiding at a gas station convent until they're transformed by a newly fallen meteor. The dogs turn into obnoxious drag queen "bitches" and Candy develops a VERY long, talking, killing forked tongue she can't control. Thugs looking for the stolen loot and other assorted numbskulls add extra complications.First off, Clarke is fantastic and makes what there is to make of this movie. You watch her and see someone very funny during the slapstick scenes, very convincing during the horror scenes and VERY sexy in various wigs and disguises, including an eye-popping, skin tight latex bodysuit...and wonder how come this actress isn't a huge star. It's too bad the rest of this cult attempt doesn't live up to her promise.Blame director/scripter Sciamma, who thinks the outlandish premise alone is enough to sustain laughs...but his vulgar gags, annoying supporting characters and stupid dialogue are no substitute for a real sense of humor. Another nail in the coffin; the film looks cheap, lots of garish colors and sets are strangely muted by muddy photography and the dusty desert locales. Luckily for Sciamma that Clarke is in his film, because she alone keeps you watching.
Shub-Niggurath A wacky saga for those fans of early Sam Raimi/Coen brothers movies, this movie has a great blend of rollicking humor and horror! The makeup effects are terrific on such a low budget, and the acting is zealous! Overall, the film has that flavor of late-night cable movies that can damage you in your formative years! It's quite a cast, with Mapi Galan, from "The City of Lost Children" and numerous other Spanish films, as well as Freddie and Pinhead, and even a cast member from "Straight to Hell"! Mind you, if you're here at Killer Tongue, you're a fan of the genre (or at least of those bizarre independent flicks that bring a smile to your face), and can appreciate the movie on those grounds. Beware, while having a strange, childlike nature, it's most certainly not Disney, and not for children (or for most grown-ups). However, if you like movies that appeal to your sense of absurdity like "Liquid Sky", "Greaser's Palace", "An American Werewolf in London", or the LEXX series, then rent this if you can find it. It's one of those obscure flicks that puts a smile on your face.