Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil

2002 "He's Back... For Seconds"
3.1| 1h17m| en

In this sequel, two juvenile detention officers must escort a group of criminally-inclined urban kids to the country where they are being forced to renovate a shelter for teens as punishment for their crimes. After one of them is shot by a local, the survivors seek refuge in the home of a voodoo woman, where they mistakenly summon legendary clown-faced demon Killjoy who begins hunting them down one by one.


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Full Moon Pictures


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Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
TheLittleSongbird Just for the record, I hated the first Killjoy. It was lame, cheesy, cheaply made, unscary, annoying and very unoriginal(anybody else get reminded of Stephen King's It?). This sequel is just as bad, but apart from some sequences that has cinematography that even a faulty mobile phone could've done better, it is not as cheap to look at. But it has everything I hate still about the first Killjoy. Killjoy himself is incredibly annoying rather than creepy, complete with cheesy lines(I hate sloppy seconds? *groan*) and lame killings, plus you can tell often that the film did not know what to do with him. The rest of the acting is next to non-existent, and they are not helped by clichéd characters, mind-numbingly embarrassing dialogue and a limply paced and unsurprising story that relies on cheap, predictable scares and no thrills. So all in all, a sequel that manages to be just as bad as its predecessor. 1/10 Bethany Cox
srobi280 Killjoy 2 is the same as killjoy 1. Bad acting, bad characters, annoying clown, bad lines, you name it. Honestly, I'm not all that surprised that more people haven't seen this movie. The only reason I watched Killjoy 2 is because I wanted to think that the filmmakers learned from their mistakes. They didn't. This movie is just as bad, if not worse, than the first one. That clown.... that goddamn clown.... I hate him! I hate him so much! And I don't hate him because he is a good villain... I hate him because he is annoying beyond belief! I hope that the filmmakers realized after trying and failing again that this movie is unrepairable. The last thing we need is a Killjoy 3.
Tommy Nelson Thats not saying much. This Killjoy film has better cinematography and is more professional looking than the last. That doesn't mean it's more professional sounding. That horrible last film was about gangsters killing a kid and then being haunted by a voodoo clown. I thought the guy that played Killjoy in the last one was a bad actor, but wow!!! This Killjoy is honestly the downright worst actor I've seen in any movie, and I've seen a lot of movies. Thed last movie the clown came in about 15 minutes in, this one's shorter and the clown doesn't even come in until 40 minutes in, and it's only 65 minutes long!!! I give it a 2 because the acting from some characters is OK.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*This one was odd because I was actually interested in the movie up until the moment Killjoy showed up. Once the demonic clown was in the picture, the movie didn't know what to do with him and limped along until the end. Wayward teens head to the woods and get stranded. Through a series of events, Killjoy is summoned and proceeds to do a lot of goofy, uninteresting things.The main problem with this movie, and the whole series, is that Killjoy is not funny. He is annoying and his kills are lame. I never could figure out exactly what his powers are. He seems to be able to do just about anything. He is the master of all matter. So he shows up, does his stuff and then they don't know how to get rid of him. The ending is ultra weak and the movie comes to a screeching halt. The clown made me cry.