Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama

7.1| 1h11m| G| en

Dr. Drakken has an evil new plot for world domination, but his ultimate success depends upon finding out KP's weakness which may involve a new hottie at Middleton High School named Eric, who suddenly sparks feelings in Ron about Kim that resemble much more than friendship. To make matters worse, Bueno Nacho, Ron's favorite fast food chain has turned sour on him by bombarding him with little Devils

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Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Wordiezett So much average
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Eric Stevenson I admit that probably the only reason I'm giving this such a high rating is because Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable are one of my favorite cartoon couples of all time! A pity they've been surpassed by Star and Marco and I'll certainly be glad when those two hook up as well. The funniest part is probably when it shows a sticker that says, "No on 65". This is a reference to Disney's rule about their animated shows having no more than 65 episodes. Turns out they defied this and "Kim Possible" did in fact have another season. It's great to watch a movie based on a show that I'm a fan of.Ron loses his pants three times in his movie! Well, he seemed to bring it on himself the first time around. The action scenes are great and it's great to see these characters work off of each other. The best are of course Dr. Drakken and Shego. I admit that the romance was rushed at the end, but because I love this couple (and romance in general) so much, I had to say it was great. I have high hopes for Star and Marco! ***1/2
breakdownthatfilm-blogspot-com When it came to this movie in particular, it seems as though this would have been the finale to Kim Possible's TV run as a cartoon. Turns out fans of the series protested to the mouse house and demanded another season. Talk about dedication. What makes this final TV movie of baby sitter turned World Saver Kim Possible more enjoyable than Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (2003) or any other feature is that it nicely ties together the loose ends for Kim Possible in her academic career and personal life. Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (2003) just had Possible and Stoppable correcting the altered past caused by Dr. Drakken and his goonies playing with the magic time monkey idol. It was good but did not move anything forward, just fixing the past. Here, Dr. Drakken gets even more personal than before to disrupt Kim's livelihood. The best part is Dr. Drakken actually having the upperhand on everybody for a while.When a new boy named Eric comes to Kim's school, she begins to fall for him. This results in Ron Stoppable becoming jealous, thus having himself reassess his feelings for her. There really isn't much to say about what isn't good about this TV feature. The only thing that's worthy of a critiquing is that the running time could have been longer so Kim Possible could have went out with a bang. Then again, perhaps it was also kept short because fans were demanding another season after this, so it's difficult to say where it really should've concluded. Everything else manages to entertain with ease. All the voice actors return for their respective roles and give enjoyable performances too. Christy Carlson Romano and Will Friedle voicing the comedic action duo still have the skills to do their characters justice.Nancy Cartwright as Rufus also is another fun role. Even the minor characters return; Wade (Tahj Mowry), Monique (Raven-Symoné), Ned, the Bueno Natcho Cashier (Eddie Deezen) and even Maurice LaMarche (best known as The Brain) plays a character. And of course Shego (Nicole Sullivan) and Dr. Drakken (John DiMaggio) return too as the villain duo that just can't seem to ever get it right when it comes to world conquest. As a side note, April Winchell voices a news reporter and it's hilarious to hear the way she speaks for this character. As a story, Disney writers Robert Schooley and Mark McCorkle made good use of what happens when you take people for granted. Ron Stoppable was so used to being around Kim Possible that he didn't realize what would happen if another guy entered Kim's life that took more precedence over him. It is a very common issue that friend zoned guys come in contact with. Viewers should also have fun watching Stoppable notice that Dr. Drakken still doesn't know his name after so long.As an animation feature, everything is done accordingly. Since this isn't an official film feature, the animation wasn't polished because it still looks like it belonged to the cartoon. It's nothing to get fussy over though. The action and music also satisfy as usual. Director Steve Loter, who has worked the Kim Possible TV series and the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command TV series definitely knows how to make the action fun. There's plenty of explosions, fight sequences and other things that not every cartoon now a days displays for younger audiences. Lastly, the music provided by TV composer Adam Berry is fine. Berry continues to play the Kim Possible theme and even includes "the naked mole rat" number for Rufus. Any scene in between is used appropriately too. Not much else to say other than a fun time.Except for not being longer than 70 minutes for Kim Possible's last TV movie, all the other components work like they have been. The voice- actors, action animation, music and comedy continues to entertain fans of the series.
bubblegum_blondie yeah, its real cute! too bad i ran away when they kissed, of course. my face was burning red, because my parents were watching too! i really like Shego. she is cool! but I think that RUFUS the mole rat is the best! Go Rufus! anyway, i would like to see more on the Ron/Kim subject. its cute! it kinda reminds me of Ron Weasley and Hermione granger... anyway, that Eric guy is Evil! (every villain is lemons, ha ha) but he was cute! before he became a psycho robot, face melted dude... the SUMO NINJA RULES!! he was hilarious. really funny. boy is he FAT! but sumo ninjas like to be fat... kinda strange, huh! the disco ball is cool. i have one too. Bonnie is such a snob! i haven't actually seen a stitch in time, but does it have Ron/Kim in it? Ron's tux was way... u m... strange. But it was OK i guess. Ew Bonnie! You are mean! I think Disney should make it so that Bonnie becomes a villain! And Shego takes over the world! She could do it, but she just can't be bothered. Ron and Kim are so cute!
Templeton Moss You know, cuz she's always saying "No Big," but this, you get what I was going for.Anyhoo, this is a great film. I was a little peeved at Disney Channel for constantly touting it as "their first animated TV movie," though (What's "A Stitch In Time," cinematic chopped liver?). Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.The story was good, it was a clever plot, a few of the surprises caught me off guard (which, I guess, is what they're s'posed to do). But what I liked most about it (And this is where the spoilers are, so watch yourself...Kim and Ron hook up! Boo Yah! I've been following this show for a long time, I was there for Josh Mankey, Brick Flagg, that girl at the movie theater, and all the time I knew in my heart that Kim and Ron should be together. Ron's never going to find another girl who gets him the way Kim does, and Kim will never find a guy she likes as much as Ron.Maybe it's the hopeless romantic in me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a little bit Ronesque myself and want to believe that someone as cool as Kim would actually go for me. Maybe it's just that I'm taking a cartoon WAY too seriously. But I've always thought that the best basis for romance is friendship.Anyway, see the movie. It rocks in stereo!