King Frat

1979 "You'll laugh 'til your sides split!"
4.3| 1h22m| R| en

Set on the quiet campus of Yellowstream University, this comedy follows the rivalries that build between two of the college's fraternities. When they're not mooning everyone they pass and throwing garbage on the lawns of rival frats, the members of the Pi Kappa Delta fraternity are mainly interested in drinking and... well, drinking. When a campus-wide farting contest is announced, Grossout, the leader of the Deltas, is all too eager to stand up, bend over and defend the honor of his fraternity.


Producted By

Reuben Trane


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GazerRise Fantastic!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
movieman_kev After the president of Yellowstream University dies (he dies via a heart attack after a mooning incident by the Phi Cappa Delta fraternity), the dean of the school pledges to get rid of the farting, drinking, mooning cretins. Oh who am I kidding? This lesser Animal House clone plot line is kept to a bare minimum used to (vaquely) tie random scenes together said scenes more often then not revolve around farting.I really don't mind crude, vulgar, or tasteless humor. If done in a funny way I can usually get a chuckle or two out of it at the least. However this film is just sad. Instead of laughing, I found myself yawning. This film has been done both before and since and much better I may add.Eye Candy: three pairs of tits My Grade: D DVD Extras: Nothng other then a 2 & a half minute slide-show (to make matters worse the DVD seems to be a videotape transfer)
anxietyresister This is a film where the idea of comedy is a peeing statue with a huge penis. Later on in the movie, said phallus falls off. Hadehaha. Before that we were subjected to the delights of a fart contest where a dog goes airborne through its gas, guests forced to inhale a massive spliff at a funeral through a air shaft and some hijinx with a blow up doll who can talk very dirty indeed with a recorded voice. Said sex toy belongs to a disgusting, fat student aptly called Gross-out, who makes himself puke so he can drink more booze and moons passing deans and sorority chicks in a dump of a car. Believe me, one shot of his flabby ass is bad enough, but after the fifth peek at his posterior it almost burnt my corneas out. Overkill, anyone? I can imagine the makers wrote him in as someone the target audience could relate to because he 'rebels' against the system, but if that's what becoming a loose cannon turns you into, sign me up for Yale right now. Heard enough?No? Alright..Other completely un-hilarious characters include an Native American who insists that Yellowsteam University is so named because his ancestors peed in the water because of their contempt for the white man (Hodehoho) and the campus nerd complete with ridiculous haircut and glasses who is so smart you wonder why he hangs around with a bunch of losers. In between two plays of the awful theme tune and more toilet humour than you'd find in an entire season of South Park, you see a troupe of neophyte actors flailing against a useless script by mugging to the camera and humiliating themselves for laffs, and coming up short every time. Or more accurately, missing the target by a solar system or two. I s'pose you've all gotta start somewhere, but beginning your career in this movie akin to starting your first day at the circus as the guy who sticks his head in the lion's mouth. It's cheap, nasty, and only worth showing to a convention of masochists. I give it 1/10, now go while I expunge my head of all trace of this rubbish *REPEATEDLY BANGS SELF ON HEAD WITH FRYING PAN*
Speedy-Skidrow This is one of the best movies ever made. It has a good humor and we probably won't see much like this again. It has become cult around here and it's worth watching. The Pi Kappa Delta's likes to have fun, party and drink beers. If you like a nasty movie, with toilet humor. This is the right one for you. To bad it's hard to find it in a good quality. I managed to find it on DVD. But the source wasn't the best i have seen. Let's just hope they release a very good DVD Version some day.
OmegaXL I remember watching King Frat when I was growing up. My brother used to rent it all the time. It was so tasteless and just so totally gross that I fell in love with the movie. It's not easy to get a copy of it but I finally came across a copy on EBay and gladly paid $50 for it. Sure it's an Animal House clone but in my opinion, it puts Animal House to shame. John DiSanti plays the perfect slob and all of his fellow "Pi Kap" brothers are just as revolting. It's not something you'd want to watch with the children but for a good laugh, you have to go far to top King Frat.