
5.3| 1h43m| en

Kitaro is a half human, half creature who keeps an eye on the human society to save them from the evil attacks from another world. He finds that a magical ball that controls all powers had been brought into the human world, and stops it from falling into the wrong hands.


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Majorthebys Charming and brutal
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
ebiros2 I saw the "Kitaro Millennium Curse" (2008) before seeing this one, so I have a little different impression of this movie than everyone else. Gegege no Kitaro is a fun movie that brings Kitaro story to the big screen. The characters are remarkably real, and believable. Usage of CG to show Ittan Momen (Flying cloth) was a nice touch.The movie was little rough at the edges as it was the first attempt to bring Kitaro into live action movie (This improves a lot on the Millennium Curse). The story tried to tell too much. There's the Yokai kingdom with Oo Tengu as the judge, there's Kitaro's friends Neko Musume, Konaki Jiji, Sunakake Babaa, Nurikabe, and Ittan Momen, and then there's love story between Kitaro and the girl. Things got little bit confusing, and the characters didn't get enough time of the day on each of their parts.But the movie was fun to watch, and entertaining. I really liked the rendition of Kitaro in this movie. It could have been a real cheese, but it wasn't. The movie is recommended as is its sequel. A nice Yokai movie from Japan.
crossbow0106 This film is based on a manga I haven't seen, but it is still a pretty good, special effects laden, imaginative film. Ostensibly about finding and returning an evil stone that was taken by a young boy's father, who in turn is chased with his high school age sister by an array of interesting, not of this world characters, this film takes you to a lot of places. The good versus evil theme is, of course, prevalent throughout, and the film is recommended more for children from about 10 to 17. The film has flaws, the film is far from perfect, but I think it will keep children entertained without scaring them out of their wits. In that sense, the film is successful.
Chung Mo Coming in on the heels of Miike's "Great Yokai War" there's nothing this Yokai themed film can do but be compared to it. Unfortunately that's a tough hurdle but since Miike couldn't keep all of his adult perversity out of a kid-friendly film maybe the producers thought there was a chance for them with this one.The art direction is fine and the whole production is decent looking. Unfortunately a few mistakes really pull this movie down. First is the casting of Pop TV star Eiji Wentz for the main role. He seems like a nice guy but brings very little inspiration to the role of Kitaro. Later in the film when he's supposed to be falling in love with the sister, we need the other Yokai to verbally inform us that this has occurred since Wentz is unable to convey the emotion at all. However it's probable that the young teen girls who are fans of his couldn't care less how blandly he acts. It falls to the other actors (and CG animation) to fill in the personality of the film. The film moves along well into the last half where is loses it's pacing and gets boring.Hard to recommend to anyone but Eiji Wentz fans and those familiar with the Kitaro manga.
jmaruyama Along with Tezuka Osamu (Astro Boy, Jungle Taitei), Hasegawa Machiko (Sazae-san), Ishinomori Shotaro (Kamen Rider, Kikaider) and Fujio Fujiko (Doraemon, Pa-Man, Obake Q-Taro), Mizuki Shigeru is among one of the most prolific Japanese manga artists of his time. His "Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro" manga, which debuted in 1959, re-introduced Japanese children and adults to the fantastical, spooky and sometimes horrific folklore of the Japanese "yokai" (ghost spirits).The fascinating mythology of the yokai is rooted in Japan's ancient past but was captured by ukiyo-e (woodblock print) artists during the Edo period (1603-1868) in elaborate, colorful and wondrous art which is much sought after even now. Drawing from this rich world of ghoulish and haunting imagery by artists like Toriyama Sekien and Aotoshi Matsui, Mizuki created "Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro", which told the story of a ghost boy born in a cemetery from the womb of his dead mother and who used his supernatural abilities to protect humans from the mischief and torments of other Yokai like himself."Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro" proved to be Mizuki's most popular character, so much so that the manga series lasted more than a decade in print and spawned five different anime series (1968-1969, 1971-1972, 1985-1988, 1996-1998, 2007) and several movies (mostly anime "Eiga-ban" versions of the series). There is even a museum dedicated to Mizuki and his creation in the town of Sakaiminato in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. The "Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro" theme, which cleverly remarked at how carefree a ghost's life can be, is still fondly remembered by adults.Motoki Katsuhide's live action version is just the latest installment to come to light and While all the elements from the manga and anime are here, this version unfortunately doesn't have the charm or fun.Pop idol Wentz Eiji (one half of singing duo WaT along with Koike Teppei) plays the ghostly hero, Kitaro. Wentz plays a slightly older version of the character, who in the manga and anime is generally supposed to be an eternally young elementary aged kid. From the grey fright wig to the tattered uniform and wooden "geta" shoes, Wentz looks ridiculous. What may have worked in anime doesn't seem to translate well to live action.The movie in fact seemed very much a Disney-like kid's movie with much of the action toned down and more of the slapstick variety than frightening or thrilling.The main story revolves around a young boy, Miura Kenta (Uchida Yuka) and his father's (Riju Go) possession of a magical talisman that was said to be forged by the goddess Tenko (Koyuki) and in which housed the spirits of mad Shogun Oda Nobunaga and Christian warrior Amakusa Shiro among others. The talisman was protected by a pack of "Bakke Kitsune" (Ghost Foxes) whose leader, Sora Gitsune/Sky Fox (Hashimoto Satoshi) obsessively wants to retrieve it back so he can use its power to become a god.Wentz makes for a passable if albeit uninteresting Kitaro and his disinterested acting style was more than a bit boring. The pretty Inoue Mao makes for a slightly more interesting character and love interest as Miura Mika but her scenes are too few and ultimately she is relegated to just the "girl in peril". Uchida Yuka is a cute kid but he is frankly annoying as Kenta.I was pretty surprised at how silly and cheap some of the costuming and SFX/CGI effects in general looked. One can't help but be disappointed considering the missed opportunities at bringing to life Mizuki's unique yokai designs which were so spooky in the manga.When reviewing "Ge Ge Ge Kitaro" it's impossible to not make comparisons to two other recent films that also dealt with Yokai - Miike Takashi's "Yokai Daisensou" remake and Shiota Akihiko's "Dororo" both of which were much better films technically and story wise.Whereas "Yokai Daisensou" and "Dororo" succeeded in bringing to life the mythical creatures of Japan like Kappa, Tengu and other ghosts, the yokai in "Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro" seem to be just bland "man-in-a-suit" types, and looked much more at home on children's "Tokusatsu" TV than on the big screen.Surprisingly, a number of recognizable Japanese "talento" (stars) make guest cameos as various Yokai, among which were 'YOU', Koyuki, Nishida Toshiyuki, Dave Spector, Nakamura Shido, Kanbe Hiroshi, Takeshima Yasunori, Fuji Takashi, Yanagisawa Shingo, and Tani Kei but their efforts don't really save the film and amount to mere interesting and comical diversions from the lackluster story.Kitaro's inner circle of friends and associates was another bright spot. Tanonaka Isamu who has voiced Kitaro's wise father, Medama No Oyaji, in most of the anime versions, once again does the honors here. Oizumi Yo (Gamera 2, Udon) is hilarious as the treacherous Human-Yokai hybrid Nezumi Otoko. Much like Dr. Zachary Smith of "Lost In Space", his constant scheming and cowardly antics were much amusing. Tanaka Rena (Drugstore Gal, GTO, Tokyo Marigold) is also great as Neko Musume, the cat-like "girl friend" of Kitaro. Muroi Shigeru (Makoto, Out) as Sunakake Baba and Hazama Kanbei (Out) as Konaki Jiji were also very good in their roles although they weren't given much screen time.Overall "Ge Ge Ge Kitaro" seemed squarely geared towards undemanding kids and tweens who just want to watch kid friendly entertainment but to those like myself who were hoping for slightly more edgier entertainment in the spirit of the anime series or other ghost movies like "Ghostbusters", "Ge Ge Ge Kitaro" was a bit of a disappointment.