I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Yash Wade
Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
KUNG FU FEVER is one of many 'Bruceploitation' movies to be made in the wake of Bruce Lee's death. This one has Dragon Lee playing a student of Bruce's who has developed a special finger technique while the bad guys all want to get their hands on some valuable training material that the kung fu star held. The funniest part of this film is the opening, which has various clips of the real-life Bruce and tries to integrate them into the main plot.It soon descends into a standard basher with Lee clouting various random bad guys while the rudiments of plotting make up the story. Ron Van Clief shows up repeatedly as a villain and rather amusingly gets smacked every time. Other than the leather clad Amy Chum, there isn't much entertainment value in this cheap and slapdash effort.
"Kung Fu Fever" is undeniably a wretched piece of filmmaking, and the movie would be nothing without martial arts star Dragon Lee, who really is a thrill to watch. Certainly one of the better Bruce Lee clones, only Dragon takes it a step further, and resembles in style a 70's Elvis as much as Bruce. The man is tacky.. Dragon and co-star Amy Chum make an attractive duo when they join forces to get possession of some instructional manual supposedly written by the late, great Bruce Lee. Amy Chum is an extremely sexy, leather-wearing, dirt bike riding wild girl, who cares about impressing her father, at any cost. Sure, the story is crap, and the dubbing is astoundingly bad. But the fight scenes featuring Dragon are actually very good. Dragon Lee had the moves, and that can't be denied, and this is the real reason why we watch this kind of film anyway. Considered by most people to be blatant exploitation, these Bruce Lee rip-off films can be seen as tributes, and as a record of just how much of an impact Bruce had on the world, and just how much he is missed.
The repercussions of Bruce Lee's death still reverberates across Hong Kong and all kinds of gangsters and other nefarious types from out of the woodwork desire his heavily sought after book containing a finger technique thought to be of great financial worth and substantial in it's inclusion into any martial arts style. Dragon Lee stars as American Kung Fu martial artist, Ricky Chan, returning to Hong Kong hoping to learn of the finger technique, running into an assortment of hoodlums along the way, teaching each and every one a lesson in manners. Amy Chum is a hot Catonese biker chick in black leather suit, Ms. Liu, who eventually joins forces with Chan in combating gangsters like Mr. Moth and Mr. Shumu, both sending out the artillery of goons resulting in numerous displays of bodies pummeled, kicked, and sent flying in the air. Look the plot is as silly as they come, but the memory of Lee is all over the film. It is really shameful, let's be honest, how these filmmakers exploited the tragedy of Lee's well publicized death, reaping the harvest of his popularity by having him represented in these movies where he wasn't a real active participant. I guess one can say these Brucesploitation movies honor his memory by having folks like Dragon Lee, who resemble him and have fighting skills similar in style to his, dressed up in the Game of Death jump suit, mimicking his patented screeching, and facial ticks. Dragon Lee is certainly fun to watch, but he isn't allowed to be his own star, and instead must imitate a heroic martial arts icon who has passed on. Dragon Lee isn't Bruce Lee, no matter how much the filmmakers want him to be, but that doesn't take away from his agility and athleticism, the way he moves about with such grace and ability. My favorite fight scene involves Dragon Lee and a heavy who hands are so powerful they rip fabric from jump suits and leave impressions in the bark of trees. Also, one fabulous handicap fight has Dragon Lee throwing one of his foes through a car windshield while Amy Chum's stunt double drives her motorcycle over men's chests and across their faces! Ron Van Clief is a buff black bad ass with a fro who beats the hell out of everyone he faces until his unfortunate duel with Dragon Lee who makes mincemeat out of him. Features Bruce Lee in a "cameo role", in a discussion with Ms. Liu...it's rather eerie. The story involves a close friend of Lee's(..in the storyline)who has the book and is killed because he will not turn it over, igniting Ricky Chan's rage.
Edsel Hegmon
I got this movie for two dollars at Media Play and thought I was getting a steal. Instead! It was mediocore. The plot is bascially about a Kung- Fu Finger technique book that was suppose be written by Bruce Lee and every thug in the picture is trying to get their hands on the book until Dragon Lee( Who half way does an good Bruce Lee impression). The odd thing about this movie is that Ron Van Clief is a bad guy in the movie challanging Dragon Lee and gets his butt whooped everytime. If you find it @ Media Play it's worth about the price i'd payed for it. TWO DOLLARS!