Laboratory of the Devil

1992 "No cuts. More guts. The film they tried to ban!"
4.3| 1h36m| en

In the spring of 1945, Japan established a secret base, Unit 731 in Manchuria, where many innocent Chinese, Korean and Mongolian people were killed in grotesque experiments. An idealistic young doctor , Morishima, is horrified by the experiments being performed in the camp and when his fiancée arrives disguised as a Chinese prisoner he sets out to liberate the camp. A docudrama sequel to the notorious Men Behind the Sun, which pulls no punches when it comes to delivering the shocks!


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Also starring Zhu Decheng


RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Viva_Chiba The first Men Behind the Sun marked the beginning of the Category III (CAT III) movies, the extreme graphic violence and the historical theme made Men Behind the sun going to the highlights, apparently, it grossed enough money for make a "sequel".Men Behind the sun II is directed by Godfrey Ho (remember Ninja Thunderbolt ? Ninja Terminator ?), the greatest Hong Kong B-movie director.This is more a remake than a sequel, with the only difference is that we don't see the cadet's "point of view".Men Behind the Sun II is the most violent and nasty (at least in my opinion) of the whole Man Behind the sun Quadrilogy, it includes the most disgusting autopsy scene ever filmed.The special effects are realistic, shocking and gross.The English dub is cheesy.Many people complained at the time that T.F Mou made Men Behind the Sun just for make some cash on this sad story, actually, i think that the guy who did this is Godfrey Ho, compare the original with this sequel/remake, you will notice that there is something "lacking": the historical content and the philosophy and the message.
horrorbargainbin I've not seen "Man Behind the Sun" or "Evil Dead Trap" or that many Asian horror films. That said, this movie is more gruesome than almost all European and of course American movies that I have seen. It is not quite as disturbing as "The Untold Story" from Hong Kong. I ran to the computer to make sure the autopsy early in the film was not real. I did not really find anything on the web that proved to me otherwise. The naked girl does not look like a dummy and the dry limbs being sawed off, that's shocking. I'm not sure that if it was a real corpse, that it was then material taken from stock footage. Anyway, it blows away the first film in the "Guinea Pig" series, which has a very low budget and poor production values. This movie has a large cast and does not skimp on special effects. All the gun deaths result in blood splatter. In more lazy gore films they sometimes don't bother and you get a silly PG moment. The first half of the film is heavy and serious and I was afraid each upcoming scene would make me squirm. Then the movie becomes over-dramatic and unrealistic with scenes that bring to mind "The Story of Ricky". This is an exploitation film more than a movie trying to make a statement about history. The end will have you laughing and perhaps will help ease the guilty brought on by enjoying earlier scenes of gore that are based on real human death camps. Recommended.
Ed Cowell He nailed this movie right on the head...I agree with everything he says. I found this movie at the Cleveland Public Library's audiovisual department,and being a lover of foreign horror films,I had to see it. I wound up fast-forwarding past all the talking and watching the nasty bits,which are laughable beyond belief. Of course,if you're not a nutcase like me,this movie may sicken you,but the special effects aren't quite special enough to even do that...
soggycow "Laboratory of the Devil" is one of the sickest movies ever made, though it's not as bad as its predecessor. It also lacks the sense of realism that "Men Behind the Sun" had because it replaces documentary style filmmaking with stylish camera work. It also goes for plot and character development instead of just showing the horrors of the camp. This is not to say "Laboratory..." isn't violent; it's just that the violence does not have the impact of that in "Men...".The plot follows a man who is enlisted in the infamous squadron 731 in Japan. He is also forced to leave behind his fiance, and due to the secrecy involved with the location of squadron 731, he cannot have any kind of contact with her or any of the outside world. As he is forced to kill the Chinese, his mental state begins to deteriorate. "Laboratory..." has many scenes of various inhuman deeds being performed, which include the "skin-ripping" seen in the first film, a VERY detailed "autopsy" on a living person, and people being given lethal injections just to see how long it takes to kill them. All of these scenes are extremely realistic, and are bound to sicken even those with the strongest stomachs.Had "Laboratory..." had the documentary style of "Men...," it easily could have surpassed it. Godfrey Ho's direction is once again very solid, and the special effects are almost too realistic, which really adds to the film. The acting is also very good. Like "Men...," this film also suffers from terrible dubbing (It sounds like those dubbing the film are talking through a mouth full of food). Like the first one, this film is not all about violence; it has a very strong message about Japanese WWII war tactics (They kidnapped numerous Chinese off the streets and killed them inhumanly in experiments. The Japanese have not apologized to this day for their actions against the Chinese.).This film is for those with strong stomachs who want more than just violence in their films and also is for gorehounds. My rating: Seven out of ten.