Lake of Dracula

1971 "A white mist flows through the woods at night."
6.2| 1h22m| en

A young girl suffers a terrifying nightmare of a vampire with blazing golden eyes. Eighteen years later, it is revealed to be a hellish prophecy when a strange package containing an empty coffin mysteriously turns up at a nearby lake.


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Also starring Mika Katsuragi


BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
shrame This film is interesting to say the least and it's definitely a different take on the vampire myth, with the setting being in a lakeside resort somewhere in Japan. Overall the movie contains some worthwhile and intriguing aspects. For example, the lead antagonist does an excellent job in his portrayal and the women who are transformed into vampires have a seductive, exotic aura about them. However it ultimately fails to build up a genuinely creepy atmosphere and the abundance of plot holes and ridiculous ideas really make this movie far too silly to be taken seriously.If you're a fan of vampire movies and you have some spare time on your hands, then maybe give this one a try, because in some ways, the fact that it's set in Japan is somewhat of a refreshing and intriguing change compared to the typical vampire films. But be warned, don't set your standards too high and don't be surprised if you find some of the scenes to be more like a comedy than horror film.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is one the better Dracula sequels. This film has the classic look and feel which I think is the beast way to tell a horror story. This movie has a great story line. It also great acting. It also has great special effects. This a true classic. If it does not scary you no movie will. This film will make you skin crawl and give you goose bumps. It will scary you out of your mind. 6 is underrating this movie. This is one of the best vampire movies ever made. It is a must see. More people need to see this movie. It is very scary. You will not imagine how scary this movie is. This movie is scarier then The Exorcist. It is really scary.
Uriah43 As a child "Akiko Kashiwagi" (Midori Fujita) witnessed a horrible scene involving a vampire and has tried her best to repress it since then. Now in her mid-twenties certain strange events begin occurring which bring those memories front and center. The problem is that when she tries to tell her younger sister "Natsuko Kashiwagi" (Sanae Emi) about them she ends up sounding a little crazy and begins to question her sanity. Fortunately, her boyfriend "Dr. Takashi Saeki" (Choei Takahashi) is a bit more understanding. Even so, he still isn't quite able to make the connection when a patient is admitted to the emergency room totally drained of blood and with two bite marks on her neck. And then things really begin to happen. Now, rather than detail any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that, even though this basic story has been told many times and in many ways, this particular film was somewhat unique due in large part to the Japanese setting. I especially liked the heavy use of makeup on some of the characters along with the fog which helped to create an overall eerie atmosphere. Likewise, having a pretty actress like the aforementioned Sanae Emi certainly didn't hurt either. In any case, while the movie was certainly no blockbuster I think it deserves at least an average rating.
Kai-18 An Excrutatingly bad film from Toho. Despite the title there isn't really much of a lake in the plot. If there was a plot. It's fun if your looking for a laugh but only for that. The characters can't even stay on track: at first this guy believes and then when one is right there he doesn't. I would have really wanted to see this on MST3k. If you want to make fun of it like they do watch it back to back with Evil of Dracula.