The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Bluebell Alcock
Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Billie Morin
This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
U.N. Owen
Don McKellar directs/wrote/stars in one small movie that asks us... what is REALLY important? The world is about to end (how is irrelevant) and we follow a (seemingly) random bunch of people as they fill their last hours.On one level they all want to make dreams/desires/fantasies they've held onto happen. Our main character, Patrick Wheeler is caught between fulfilling his parents plans and his own.I don't want to give too much of this simple, beautiful and heartfelt movie away, but I think it boils down to a question of opening ourselves up - to be less alone - and to let love in. I think that one thing Mr. McKellar is trying to say is that the power of love - true love (NOT lust) will get us through - no matter what the obstacle.I've seen this movie several times, and am the last person to be swayed by big Hollywood films that try to "steer" you to "feel" for their characters. Last Night is NOT an action picture. It moves slowly, and builds to an ending that never fails to bring some tears to my eyes. I hope you enjoy it is much as I do.
I'm not really sure what they were trying to do here. The script is not very realistic and at times is so nonsensical that you're not sure if they are trying to do a comedy, or a tongue-in-cheek comedy. It is hard to take this movie seriously and yet they tried so hard to make it seem serious. What could be more serious than the world about to end in a few hours? Everybody knows it, and yet people are still going to work? A guy is giving out program notes at a piano concert for an unknown musician? You get the impression right away that this is a low budget feature. I was hoping a decent script would compensate. I turned this one off about 1 hour in and came back the next day to try again. No improvement. Solid pass.
Rod Serling's "The Twilight Zone" is certainly one of the greatest television series ever, and a 1961 episode titled "Midnight Sun" may have been the inspiration for this film. Or maybe not. But it immediately came to mind as I realized what event would bring about the termination of the earth in this movie.. In Serling's tale, the earth has slipped its orbit and is moving towards the sun, as the few people remaining in an abandoned city await the end in an increasingly hot environment. While this film doesn't have the psychological twist to its ending that "Midnight Sun" had, it does evoke the same sad, elegaic mental landscape of the characters. OK, so the science here is way off, but I think that may be part of McKellar's intention. He's less interested in telling a science fiction yarn than relating an allegorical memento mori to a stupefied culture.
y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this? y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this?y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this?y is sun out shining at midnight 0'clock!!!!!! can anyone tell this?