
2004 "LazyTown is on a mission to move the world!"
5.9| 1h37m| en

Things are upside-down in LazyTown. Stephanie, an optimistic girl with bright pink hair, comes to live in LazyTown and meets a zany mix of townspeople, including the world’s laziest super-villain, Robbie Rotten. Fortunately for Stephanie, LazyTown is also under the watchful eye of Sportacus, an athletic, super-active, slightly-above-average hero, who runs, jumps, flips and flies to the rescue in his futuristic AirShip. Sportacus always manages to save the day and to help the kids of LazyTown foil Robbie’s latest lazy schemes. The citizens of Lazytown learn the importance of things like eating right and exercising from the ultra-athletic superhero, Sportucus, who must stop the evil plots of Robbie Rotten, who hates physical activity, among other things.


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LazyTown Entertainment


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Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
tanqianpeng Wow... Just... WOW! I've never seen an Icelandic production this awesome. I admit that it's for kids, but there's a lot of stuff for even adults to enjoy as well. In fact, it's so good, that it managed to cut the obesity rate of Iceland, and increase the fruit intake rate by about 15%. Unlike these pandering smuts like Toopy and Binoo which says: "I LUV EATING TREES", LazyTown shows their own way of teaching via actions, and they also have clever wordplay, like Sports Candy, also known as fruit. The actors of Stephanie and Sportacus are really talented in aerobics, and the one that steals the show for me is Robbie Rotten, with his crazy antics and disguises. In fact, when his actor had pancreatic cancer, endless memes paying homage to him boomed in the internet, which means that this show's success is incredibly high. The creator, writer and star, Magnus Scheving, felt that there wasn't much sports role models around the world, so he decided to turn himself into the ever lovely sports hero, Sportacus. This show is so full of charisma and awesome actions, that it leaves me saying: "More of this for the kids please. Less of... that (Teletubbies and Toopy and Binoo) please."
Bruce Banner OK, so why the heck is this sporticus guy running around doing flips like a monkey every damn second? Quite distracting if you ask me but then again there isn't much story to be had anyway.Very cheesy, not the greatest acting on the part of Sporticus who i will give credit only for being an athlete. The other 2 characters are more interesting.I gave it 2 stars for those other actor's contributions and because of the healthy message for kids, but sheesh they need a half decent actor who is YOUNGER to play Sporticus.Someone with a bit of charm who doesn't take himself as seriously but who you can take more seriously OK, figure that one out ;)
Skyler Moody I have watched this show several times and to be honest, I don't like this show. I am not impressed at all by the way they educate kids. I have seen better kid's shows and educational programs than this. Although some of the songs are quite catchy, it ultimately get's annoying and repetitive. It's like if I hear one more song, I will bash the TV screen with a baseball bat! I understand that it's trying to teach kids to eat right and stay active but kids can always turn off the TV and actually play outside instead of sitting in front of the television screen! It's like they are teaching the exact opposite of what they are trying to teach! They encourage a negative way of healthy living towards people who aren't sportive and active and people who have overweight problems. It becomes an idea that if you aren't good at sports or don't like it, then you are not good enough. They treat candy like it's a disease and I understand that eating right is important but there is nothing wrong with a kid who eats candy and play's a computer game.It's bad enough that many teens and adults obsess with the way their bodies look and how much they weigh but do they really need to plaster this negative thinking on our kids? The show get's rather creepy at times, the acting is bad, the puppets look very weird, it becomes incredibly cheesy sometimes, and the way that Sporticus follows Stephenie around all the time is downright creepy! I really feel like Sporticus and Stephenie is having a secret fling going on. I have no idea how old Stephenie is suppose to be but it seems like Sporticus should be registered if you know what I mean. Why do's he feel the need to do a thousand flips every time he go's somewhere? The way he acts and talks makes him seem very haughty and stuck up and he thinks he is so darn special. Robbie Rotton is a lame villain if you ask me. Why do's he care so much about the kids being active and healthy? If he doesn't like it, why don't he just move away? Nobody is forcing him to stay there. So overall, I don't like this show. I know some people love it and if they like it, that's cool. Everybody has their own opinions.
Raivenblade I thoroughly dislike shows like these. In the end it is little more then propaganda aimed at the youngest among us, and downright insulting towards the intelligence of children.Furthermore it encourages a negative way of thinking towards people who aren't sportive and people who have weight problems. It generates the idea that if you don't like sport ( or simply aren't good at it), and if you are overweight, that there is something wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with a child that enjoys eating candy, there is nothing wrong with a child who likes to sit down and play a computer game.It is bad enough so many adults obsess about the shape their body is in, and how much they weigh, do we really need to imprint these negative ways of thinking on our little children?