Leprechaun's Revenge

2012 "Evil has a new holiday."
4.2| 1h28m| R| en

An evil leprechaun who has been imprisoned within the roots of a majestic old oak tree, is accidentally set loose on St. Patrick's Day. Once free, he takes out his bloody revenge on the descendants of the people who originally imprisoned him.


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Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Diane Ruth An utterly terrific horror film from gifted director Drew Daywaite with screenwriter Anthony C. Ferrante penning a stunning script based on leprechaun legends. The Baton Rouge locations give this motion picture a truly fresh, unique look and add to the atmosphere of unease and surrealism. While this is a terrifying film with some haunting imagery, it is also a story of human relationships, family, and greed. The characterizations by William Devane and Billy Zane are superb and it is indeed their most powerful performances in years. Azure Parsons is also especially good as a courageous deputy who is dedicated to her community. The creature itself is one of the most ghastly and shockingly frightening created for cinema in some time and it's necessary to look away at times because of the intensity of the bloody action. The climax is incredibly shattering and breathtakingly exciting. Overall, a very rewarding cinematic experience from a visionary director.
TheLittleSongbird I was not expecting much from Leprechaun's Revenge, its premise was somewhat hokey and also it was SyFy, whose reputation for mostly awful movies is notorious. So I was surprised that Leprechaun's Revenge was reasonably watchable, even if heavily flawed. What did I like about the film? Well, Leprechaun's Revenge did start off promisingly with some snappy dialogue and a good attempt at an atmosphere. The leprechaun compared to other SyFy creatures is pretty good, used sparingly but this added to the sense of terror I felt, and thankfully less cheap-looking than before. The killings are gory and fun while not being too goofy, the camera work is wonderfully nightmarish, and apart from Billy Zane, who rambles his way through his role, the acting is mostly above average. It is the second half though where the film goes off the boil with a more comic edge that jars with the rest of the film, with the humour rather humourless, the story less suspenseful and more ridiculous, the characters stereotypical and while not irritating not very interesting all the same and the ending rushed and abrupt. On the whole, better than most SyFy outings but the second half is a let down compared to the promise of the first. 5/10 Bethany Cox
Michael_Elliott Leprechaun's Revenge (2012) ** (out of 4)Teenager Karen (Courtney Halverson) goes into the woods with her grandfather and she picks a red clover, which gives her the curse of the leprechaun. According to legend she will die in four days unless she can kill the creature first and thankfully her grandfather (William Devane) believes in the things but her sheriff father (Billy Zane) isn't so open minded. LEPRECHAUN'S REVENGE has no connection to the Warwick Davis series and it's pretty much what you'd expect from something on SyFy. The movie's biggest problem is that the screenplay is pretty bad from start to finish. While watching the movie it really does seem like they filmed it in order and just made things up as they went along because there are events that happen that are never really explained or mentioned anytime going forward in the movie. The ending pretty much comes out of no where and seems rather rushed and lazy. Another problem is that none of the characters are really fleshed out but I'll give this a pass since we are talking about a low-rent B movie. Those expecting a lot of gore won't be too disappointed as we get some cheap CGI gore ranging from arms being bitten off to one poor guy who gets half his face ripped off. The effects are all of the CGI type so don't expect anything too ground-breaking. The special effects in the film aren't all that impressive but I will at least give them credit for making the leprechaun look decent and original. Those expecting the short, Davis type are going to be disappointed because this one here seems more like a green Pumpkinhead more than anything else. I found Halverson to be good in the lead role as she managed to turn in a believable performance and she's quite better that what you'd expect to see from a film like this. Zane, as you'd expect, is all over the place but he's mildly entertaining. Devane pretty much delivers what you'd expect from him. LEPRECHAUN'S REVENGE isn't a good movie and it's mainly going to appeal to fans of "B" movies but I must admit that it's probably the best killer lep movie I've seen and yes I know that's not saying too much.
movieman_kev Karen O'Hara is out in the woods with her Grandfather, when they get momentarily separated and she gets attacked by a recently resurrected leprechaun. she appears to get out unscathed so when her sheriff father (billy Zane) gives grandpa an earful for taking her to hunt, she decides to keep the slowly deteriorating mysterious mark on her hand a secret little knowing that a Leprechaun is after her.All the major characters are.. Serviceable enough and the film eschews the more comedic elements of the much more well-known "Leprechaun" films (a series that has nothing to do with this one, by the way) Oh and Billy Zane has the most bizarrely funny monologue that comes out of left field of the film.All in all, this film while not being anyone that special, could have been so much worseMy grade: C-