Lies & Illusions

2009 "A writer, torn between two lovers is hunted by spies in search of stolen diamonds."
3.5| 1h32m| R| en

When a menacing smuggler coolly insists that best-selling author Wes Wilson take a chauffeured backseat ride with him, Wilson's charmed life explodes into a world of violence and espionage, and he learns shocking truths about two women in his life.


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Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
aliweng if there was a "zero star tragic vote" that would definitely be my choice. tragic directing: the actors' reactions are so fake, e.g. in some cases they almost get killed and on the next scene they are already over it arguing about other stuff. Fight scenes are completely stupid, why jump on a bed to kill someone when you are already aiming him with a gun?? just shoot!tragic sound editing: annoyingly repeatable music theme in most scenes, and really wasn't that special workalmost tragic plot: all cliché included! bad guys, angry villain in a suite, metallic case with diamonds, car chase through a parade.. oh please! if the directing was better I could possibly forgive that. the director should be prohibited to roll another film!
bob1881 First, let me give you a specific example of just how bad this movie is. In one scene Slater gets beat up by the bad guys in broad daylight. He is bleeding from his nose and he is bleeding quite a bit from the right side of his forehead. Again, he is bleeding from the right side of his forehead. The next day the bad guys pick up Slater to go to the bank and other than a little scratch on his forehead, Slater's face looks really refreshed. And guess what? The scratch on his forehead is on the opposite side, on the left. The day before, when he got beat up, he was bleeding from the right side. But wait! It gets worse! You see the scratch while he is in the car with the bad guys as they drive to the bank. And then, as soon as Slater gets out of the car and turns around, MAGIC, the scratch on the wrong side of the forehead is completely gone! Slater is completely healed! There is nothing on his face. Slater has the power of Jesus.Second, all of the reviews saying that this movie is crap are true. This movie is crap. The only reason I gave it a 2 out of 10 was because it was sooooo bad that I just could not believe it was playing on cable, and I could not believe Slater and Gooding were in it. You know when you see something so bad, or so out of place, that you are in disbelief and you continue to watch just to make sure that your eyes are really seeing what you think you are seeing? Well, this movie will keep you watching, but for the wrong reasons. I think it is a good movie to watch with a bunch of your friends just so that you can all comment during the movie about how bad it is and have a laugh at it. Because, honestly, the plot is sooo stupid, that you will laugh. Slater's girlfriend kills a guy in his apartment and then they go for coffee at a bar (not even a coffee shop) a few blocks away. Who does that? If you kill someone, you go into hiding, you leave town, you change your hair color, whatever! The one thing you don't do is go for coffee at a bar a few blocks away from where you just killed someone. Also, pay attention to the sounds the guns make when they are fired, they sound like little fire crackers. You can so tell they are fake.
semperfidelis_98 Its hard to say where to begin...well, how about the beginning. It was obvious from the start of the movie that this was low budget and going to look like some kind of college assignment gone wrong. And it was! If I was Christian Slater or Cuba Gooding Jr. I would have distanced myself from this movie as soon as I read the script. They must have been forced to do the movie due to gambling debts or blackmail.Acting was terrible and forced, camera shots were sloppy and cheap, editing was crappy, and even the special effects looked like my 7 year old son had done them. I don't know what was harder to watch, the gun fights or Christian slaters chase scene in the car with both women towards the end. And Cuba was not much better as well.Overall, that is two hours of my life that I will never get back. Glad I only spent $1 to rent. Of course the fact that it went straight to video should have been a hint!
callanvass Cuba and Christian Slater are two of my favorites. Despite a lot of the crummy DTV work they pull out these days, I was still somewhat excited of the releasing of this movie. Basically Lies & Illusions is a corny Action&Comedy film, with unfunny attempts at humor and a couple of decent actions scenes scattered here and there. Slater's character is quite hard to bare, and got annoying quickly, while Gooding is obviously slumming it in his bad-guy role. Lies & Illusions main problem while aside from being terrible, is it's obvious predictability. I saw the twist of Sarah Ann Schultz's character coming a mile away, and I didn't find the added sub-plot of Slater's character being torn between Schultz and Campbell that particularly amusing. The only scene I truly dug in this movie, had to be where Slater is doing his book signing, and Gooding asks him to sign his novel, that was a pretty effective segment.Performances. Christian Slater is annoying and unconvincing as the hero. He's usually fabulous in this type of stuff, but the script and his terrible character direction let him down. Cuba Gooding Jr. isn't any better. He doesn't convince as the baddie, and was often let down by the material. Sarah Ann Schultz is pretty but that's about it, wasn't impressed by her performance. Christa Campbell isn't particularly attractive or that convincing in my opinion.Bottom line. I can safely say you can skip this one. Look for better works of Slater and Gooding's, you'll be glad you did.3/10

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