Better Late Then Never
Melanie Bouvet
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Quiet Muffin
This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Sarita Rafferty
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Thanos Karagioras
At the beginning I saw that in this movie plays Cuba Gooding Jr. and Christian Slater and I thought it's gonna be a nice movie. Then I saw the trailer of this movie and I understood that it will not be such a good movie that I suppose.It is not a good movie and I do not recommend it because I did not like it and I can tell you that it is a boring movie and not an action movie. Although one thing that I liked in this movie is the performance of Cuba Gooding Jr. as a bad guy.Finally "Lies & Illusions" is a movie to simply pass your time and nothing more.
Emile Ladskey
Now I know what you guys want. You want reviews that bash the living turd out of this movie. But I'm afraid I can't do that for you. You think you know what you're going to get with this movie. Judging by Slater's face in the cover art you immediately think "Oh god, another piece of crap." But oh no. This movie blew me away, the sheer raw emotion portrayed by Slater is moving. You really get a feel for how stunned and in awe when he was re united with his wife after 2 years. "You were 'sposed to be dead" 10/10. I gave this a 9 cause I want the honour of my 10 to only go to a class film like Legion. S - Stupendous. L - Lingering in my mind. A - All out action. T - Tantalisingly great. E - Electrifying R - Raw emotion.
There are movies that are so bad that, after a short while, I just stop watching and move on. This one had Slater and Gooding who, given what little they had to work with, made it somewhat bearable for me although the script had Slater doing such stupid things that the whole thing was idiotic. They tried to make it somewhat humorous but they really should have gone all the way and made it a spoof of thrillers. Screenplay stunk. Direction was awful. Editing so so (although probably not given much to work with). Would never have completed watching it if Gooding and Slater weren't in it.If you absolutely have nothing else to do, go ahead and waste some time. Otherwise, much better things to do.I watched it in segments because I couldn't sit through it in one sitting. My wife asks me why I do it. I tell her: "to appreciate the good movies that much more" that I see.
As other reviewers have indicated, I am posting this review solely to (hopefully) prevent others from making the mistake my husband and I did when we rented it - wasting 90 minutes of our lives (before we finally turned it off) that we will never get back.The trailers we saw for "Lies & Illusions" on other DVDs tricked us; the cover and description on the DVD itself mislead us; the premise sounded promising and full of potential; and - most of all - Christian Slater and Cuba Gooding Jr. as the two leads fooled us into thinking that this would be - at the very worst - a fun time-waster.It was a time-waster but it was not fun. It was like a "porno" without the porn, leaving only "o" or, more accurately, "0": zero, nada - no redeeming qualities.I had the same experience as other reviewers, wondering 15 or 20 minutes into it (after commenting to my husband about the high "cheese" factor) if maybe it was intended as some kind of parody, which would explain the strange James Bond soundtrack.But nothing could explain the dialogue. Lines like "I really appreciate you accompanying me on this journey." Who talks like that? And who says "Ow, my ribs", after they've been kicked in the ribs? My only hope is that this will become some sort of cult classic - like "Plan 9 From Outer Space" - as the worst film of the 21st century. It's possible . . .