Very disappointed :(
Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Tobias Burrows
It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
I'm not sure what the director was going for here. If it was a movie devoid of any originality then she succeeded with flying colours. I can't believe that Kristen Bell and Kelsey Grammer agreed to star in this drawn out advert for the Cruise line masquerading as a father-daughter drama "comedy". This was clearly all about the money as the stars feel like they're just going through motions with a supporting cast of cliches. The film is utter garbage in my opinion and I would suggest you don't waste your time.
Rogen was a horrible choice. He ruined the movie for me. With so many other talented actors out there, you'd think that they could've done better for the cost.
Given Kelsey Grammer's involvement I had expected a Frasier like comedy of wit and comedic management of awkward situations; instead it was nothing at all. The script is risible, the premise preposterous. Throw in a few swear words and a scene with cannabis to make it seem hip and adult. Plot twists, such as they are, are contrived, ridiculous and predictable in equal measure. The acting is as good as the cast can make of the tripe they have been given. If you are a fan of mawkish romcoms you may enjoy this more than I did but I had really hoped for more.
Deep subject matter that many can relate to. Great characterization and acting. Could even say it was "cheesy" due to the comedic aspect.