Perfectly adorable
Disturbing yet enthralling
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
The movie was worst. One of the Worst movie of Rajinikanth. Many scenes were irritating and not at all logical in the movie. Songs and BGM in the movie were superb.
Balaji A
Watched Lingaa!! Well, the first 20 minutes was really unbearable, after which some respite, came with the nicely done slow motion fight scene on top of moving train. Though the movie is watchable doesn't have the energy of a Padaiyappa, nor it induce pathos like Muthu, and definitely not the style and masala like Shivaji or Robo if one wants to draw a comparison. Can call it an average Rajni movie. One thing very evident through out the movie was clearly the star has aged. I think after this he should accept roles which matches his age like Amithabh does, take for example Sarkar, Baghban or even some thing like Drishyam etc, where the roles demand a more dignified star power. ARR's music is also nothing to write about. Nor the production quality. In fact I can say the production quality is below average, no single scene looks like it was set in pre-independence era. The Slow motion fight scene is brilliant, looks like cut and pasted from some other movie. May be they outsourced that bit..who knows.
This is an excellent movie.All the scenes are very beautiful and well presented.It runs 175 minutes, but you will not feel headache at the end!It has two heroines in their 20s, but all conservatives can also watch this movie with friends and family without any discomfort!I suggest you to go and watch this movie in the theater atmosphere and am sure that you will not regret it!Views may differ, so go and have your own!To me and my family, this film is excellent and I would rate it 8/10.Hats off to the entire team and Thanks to Rajinikanth sir for his sincere efforts. Everyone, including Anuska, Sonakshi, Santhanam did their part extremely well. Very happy to watch the movie on the opening day!!
Skanda Subramanian
After Kochadaiyaan flopped Rajinikanth was under heavy pressure to deliver a hit. Hence for the first time in almost a decade he decided to do 2 films in a single year. The songs are a complete disaster and I personally did not like a single song. To pick the best among the worst, one had to pick Gasolina. When I watched the trailer I had a lot of expectations, and it created an impression that a lot of hard work has gone in, however on watching the movie one realizes that many shots shown in the trailer was from songs, especially Rajinikanth coming down from the roof, one expected it to be an action scene but the movies shows otherwise.Story: Typical Rajinikanth story where he is the only noble soul in the planet who becomes a pauper by doing good. Grandfather sells his property to build a dam only to lose money. If you expect Grandson will earn back the lost money then its a big No. Grandson merely opens a temple which was locked when his grandfather was thrown out of the village and saves the dam (and also the village) from a bomb which the villain wants to plant.The Good: Rajinikanth- He looks extremely young (25-30 years) and he is the only reason people will watch the movie. Rest everything is bad.The Bad: Story: Its a disaster. Consider the story like a mix Muthu flashback + many other Rajini Movie. Direction: Extremely bad - The director has simply banked on Rajinikanths star power. The way Jaggubai was directed clearly indicated that KS Ravikumar is way past his prime. Wondering why Rajini chose him.Maybe friendship was the reason. Costumes: Were good at many places however found it weird that in 1936 (flashback) the suits worn by the Englishmen looked like contemporary design. Overly dramatic: The scene where a few villages come to the city in search of the king and when they are hungry and Mr poor and noble Rajinikanth feeds them has been seen 1000 times in movies (Kandukondein Kandukondein is what I can recall instantly) Also the scene where the older Rajinikanth is asked to leave the village and it Rains has also been seen 1000 times (Baasha) makes one feel that the film industry has not grown since 20 years. Music & BGM: Seems like Rahman outsourced his work to some Z grade person due to time pressure. Easily his worst work in recent times.Verdict: Like Kochadaiyaan, this movie has flop written all over it. Die hard Rajini fans will try to watch it numerous times and praise the movie to make it seem like a hit but one has to face reality.Releasing the movie in Hindi will cause further embarrassment since I am sure Tamil speaking audience will themselves dislike the movie/Rating: 2/10 only for Rajinikanth.