Little Miss Marker

6.9| 1h19m| en

Big Steve Halloway, gambler and proprietor of New York's Horseshoe Cabaret, is in desperate need of money. He arranges for his fellow bookies, especially Sorrowful Jones, to each pay him $1,000 for his racehorse, Dream Prince, to lose. With all bets being placed at the window, Sorrowful encounters a gambler, having lost $500, wanting to place his bet but unable to come up with $20. Instead, he places his little girl, Marthy Jane, as security, or in bookie's terms a "marker". "Marky", as she comes to be known, winds up under the care of Sorrowful Jones and his lady friend, singer Bangles Carson.


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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
weezeralfalfa My least favorite S.T. film so far, being centered around illegal activities relating to horse racing and the story that a 6 year old girl is illegally put up for collateral for a $20. bet on a horse. Furthermore, her father committed suicide when he lost the bet. Had this film been made the following year, I doubt the Hays Commission would have passed this scenario. Doesn't sound like a story made for kids of Shirley's age to enjoy! Indications are that Shirley's father probably was about destitute and, since Shirley's mother had died, perhaps he didn't have anyone to help care for her. It does seem strange that Shirley doesn't seem bothered by having been dumped on strangers. Perhaps she was used to other people taking care of her while her father worked or looked for work, etc.. Menjou and Dorothy Dell several times have heated arguments, mostly over Shirley. I'm not sure they will make a good home for Shirley. Dorothy Dell is most positively impressed with Menjou when he prays for Shirley's recovery from a horse fall, and when he dumps a solution of "dope" he was supposed to inject into a horse to hopefully make it win the race, but then likely die after the race.Why do we know Shirley weighed 40 1/2 lbs.? Because the gangsters bet on her weight and had an appropriate scale available.Dorothy did most of the singing of several new songs composed by the team of Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin. Shirley apparently was too young to be trusted with the major singing and dancing assignments. The rather catchy theme song: "Laugh You Son of a Gun" was played during the opening and closing credits. It's also sung by Dorothy, followed by Shirley. Dorothy sings "Low Down Lullaby" when trying to put Shirley to sleep(Dorothy also falls asleep). She also sings "I'm a Black Sheep Who is Blue" formally at the cabaret where she worked. "The Sidewalks of New York" and "The Bowery" were sung by a group of gangsters dressed up like the Knights of the Round Table, with which Shirley was infatuated.
lugonian LITTLE MISS MARKER (Paramount, 1934), directed by Alexander Hall, from the story by Damon Runyon, became the studio's answer to Columbia's successful Runyon tale, LADY FOR A DAY (1933). In true Runyon tradition, it consists of many character types with odd-ball names, including wrestlers Sore Toe (Warren Hymer) and Canvas Back (John Kelly); dishonest Bennie the Gouge (Sam Hardy), drunken Regret (Lynne Overman), good-natured Doc Chesley (Frank McGlynn Sr.), and the title character of "Little Miss Marker" going to 6-year-old Shirley Temple, on a loan-out assignment from Fox Studios, ranking one of the finer films she made during her busiest year (1934)in the movies.Plot summary: Big Steve Halloway (Charles Bickford), gambler, gang leader and proprietor of New York's Horseshoe Cabaret, where his girl, Bangles Carson (Dorothy Dell) sings, is in desperate need of money. He arranges for his fellow bookies, especially Sorrowful Jones (Adolphe Menjou), to each pay him $1,000 each for his racehorse, Dream Prince, to lose. With all bets being placed at the window, Sorrowful encounters a gambler (Edward Earle), having lost $500, wanting to place his bet but is unable to come up with $20. Instead, he places his daughter, Marthy Jane (Shirley Temple), as security, or in bookie's terms, a "marker." While Sorrowful refuses to accept 'markers," he does so with this one, having the child to wait outside his office until Daddy returns. Having lost his bet, he commits suicide, leaving "little Miss Marker" under the care of Sorrowful Jones. As Steve hides out in Chicago to avoid investigation for his crooked bets, he entrusts Sorrowful to watch over Bangles during his absence, at which time the "gold digger" helps "tight-wod" with his "40 pounds of trouble." When Big Steve learns Bangles is involved with Sorrowful, he takes his "rod," returns to New York to do something about it.The supporting players: Adolphe Menjou is perfectly cast as Sorrowful Jones, resembling that of a cartoon character down to his sad-eyed face and droopy mustache. He and Temple work remarkably well together, sharing great scenes, especially the highlight where Sorrowful teaches "Markey" how to pray. It is Menjou, not Temple, who closes this with a comedy line. Unlike her future film assignments, LITTLE MISS MARKER offers Temple a rare opportunity to play a fresh kid later on in the story, thanks to the bad influence of Sorrowful's friends. Dorothy Dell's Bangles is the one who makes every effort to restore Markey's child-like innocence by having the gang gather together in Steve's night club to re-enact her favorite bedtime story of "King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table" with Sorrowful playing Sir Galahad, and Bangles as Lady Guinevere, along with the opportunity to ride her horse known as "The Charger." Charles Bickford, a fine actor with a rough exterior, plays a tough mug whose very presence and gruff sounding voice causes the Charger to jump about in fear, an idea duplicated in the Marx Brothers comedy, A DAY AT THE RACES (MGM, 1937), with Douglass Dumbrille as the villain whose harsh voice causes the star racehorse to run amok.While many will comment on Shirley Temple's performance, one cannot help but notice the unfamiliar name of Dorothy Dell in the cast. Who is Dorothy Dell? It's surprising to learn that during the making of LITTLE MISS MARKER, she was a 19-year-old newcomer (who looked older than 25) with only two other 1934 releases to her credit: THE WHARF ANGEL and SHOOT THE WORKS. By the time LITTLE MISS MARKER was released, Dorothy Dell was dead, a victim of an serious automobile crash. Looking over her style, she had the mannerisms of a young 20th-Fox's own Alice Faye, blonde, deep-throat singer, tough exterior but soft in heart. Due to the availability of LITTLE MISS MARKER will Dorothy Dell's name be virtually a curiosity today. Dell takes part in much of the song numbers composed by Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin including: "I'm a Black Sheep Who is Blue" where she vocalizes in the night club, and "Low-Down Lullaby" singing Markie to sleep. She and Temple team up with on the piano with "Laugh, You Son-of-a-Gun," the latter obviously a hit tune since it's instrumentally used for opening or closing to other Paramount films, namely Temple's upcoming Paramount project NOW AND FOREVER.Aside from frequent commercial television revivals prior to 1989, LITTLE MISS MARKER surfaced on numerous cable stations in later years, including the Disney Channel (1990s); American Movie Classics (1991-92) and Turner Classic Movies (2003-04). Unlike its presentations on either AMC and TCM, LITTLE MISS MARKER's availability on both VHS (1996) and DVD formats are colorized. LITTLE MISS MARKER consists of such notable remakes as SORROWFUL JONES (Paramount, 1949) with Bob Hope, Lucille Ball and Mary Jane Saunders; FORTY POUNDS OF TROUBLE (Universal, 1963) with Tony Curtis; and 1980 under the original title starring Walter Matthau and Julie Andrews, but very few child actresses could compare to the likes of the original Little Miss Marker herself. (****)
Ron Oliver A tiny child, left as an IOU at a race track by her insolvent father, charms her way into the hearts of a group of hard-boiled gamblers.Shirley Temple - not quite six years old - became a full-fledged movie star with LITTLE MISS MARKER. Loaned out to Paramount for the one picture, she emerged as a top of the bill powerhouse prepared to return to Fox Studios and become the most popular performer in Hollywood for the next five years. With genuine talent & an infectious sparkle, she would carve out her unassailable niche in film history.To its credit, the fast moving script allows her to be a little less than saintly, with a normal dose of cranks & crotchets. Even so, her costars, as well as the audience, become her willing slaves in short order. Adolphe Menjou, as the cynical gambler who takes her in, and Charles Bickford as his tough boss, find themselves completely overwhelmed by the mighty moppet. Both of these gentlemen were abundantly experienced actors, used to controlling viewers' attentions in their screen scenes; it must have been somewhat odd for them to be reduced to so much stage dressing - but Shirley's ascendant flood swamped all other boats.The Damon Runyon story is well served by the rest of the colorful cast, but it is easy to regret every minute the Small One does not appear on screen. Shirley became quite close to pretty Dorothy Dell, playing a nightclub chanteuse involved with both Bickford & Menjou. The news of Miss Dell's tragic death in a car wreck soon after filming completed was kept from Shirley for some time.Movie mavens will recognize Willie Best as a friendly janitor & Tammany Young as a bettor, both uncredited.
Oskado I encountered this on TV recently when I had no intent whatsoever of watching any film, but found myself glued to the edge of my seat till the very end. I'm now stumped to think I once saw it as a child and as a child's film. The levels of sensitivity and depth of feeling, the Tempest-like voices from the Brave New World of old New York, are so wonderful, I see it now overwhelmingly as an adult's film. I'll say no more, other than to point to this as another example of the failure of our rating system. Oh, Menjou and Dell... To think that this masterpiece is only rated six and a half by its fifty-five voters at this point, while lowest common denominator junk too often rates substantially higher...