
6.8| 0h30m| en

A former straight-edge musician tries to reconnect with a former love interest, a groupie for the band he broke up.



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An Open Place Productions


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Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Zachari Breeding Great flick! After watching this movie, I couldn't help but care about the characters and ask myself questions about why certain events happened to each one. I like the trajectory of the movie - our lives are like locomotives, and sometimes we can't but just enjoy the ride. With all of the other easy watches out in Hollywood today, it's refreshing to watch a movie that makes you think! If you are not a fan of Indie movies, I would say go for this one anyway! The gritty feel of the movie is not meant to warm your soul or make you feel happy-go-lucky. But if you want a movie that tells a good, real story, I highly recommend!
annaeva-hallin You should see this movie rather than reading reviews - because it is really hard to explain and so worth the effort.Locomotive leaves you with lots of questions and few answers, and I found myself thinking about it long after I saw it. The characters are all on their journeys and it feels like a privilege to follow them - always at a distance and always from an outsiders point of view. It is beautiful, minimalistic, in dark (but definitely not black and white) tones and well written/acted. If you like independent movies, and a non-traditional way of narrating, I would certainly recommend this one!
m-ninehouser i'll start by stating that i watch a ton of indie flicks. okay? that's the genre - i feel - where i'll most likely find a piece that doesn't belittle me as someone who wants to watch a film and do a little thinking. turns out, these days, that's not the case. i just seem to keep watching kids in their apartments.however. this film was one cloudy little gem. as someone who hungers for minimalism, i was delighted to find that not only did the filmmakers not hold my hand through the thing, they didn't even extend theirs. not once. which felt more than appropriate given the subject matter. i don't want to go too far into the details, as this is a thinking wo/man's kind of picture, but i found it beyond refreshing to finally watch an independent film that was challenging in the right ways. it kind of struck me as what a more modernized cassavetes picture might feel like. there's probably even a little bit of mike leigh in there.this is sounding too vague, i know, but there's honestly not a lot going on in the film story-wise so i really don't want to talk too directly about it. and that's a good thing for christsake. it's a brooding, swirling storm that you'll have to clean up after.really something else.
Ted-Limpert This film is what happens when a group of extremely talented, passionate artists get together to tell a story. It is a raw and beautiful portrayal of what it means to traverse life, love, and individuality as an artist/musician. Every moving part, every moment, is purposeful and honest. After you finish you'll want to learn an instrument, call your ex girlfriend, and visit the nearest dive bar.As independent films go, Locomotive sets the bar, and it sets it high. Knowing what this filmmaking team can do with such limited resources makes it imperative to keep an eye on their next project(s) as their resources will inevitably grow.