A Brilliant Conflict
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Look who's back is an entertaining dark Comedy that plays out the scenario of what if Hitler just came back in 2015? The answer that the film comes to is that he would simply be regarded as a comedian that is simply going for a shock value in his work, and the public just eats it up. This is where the social commentary of the modern day comes into effect and, with the hindsight of the last couple years comfortably behind us, turned out to be pretty much dead on with its assumptions of 21st century society as a whole. The idea that a person like Hitler would not only be considered popular and funny enough for people to go along with the gag until it is too late and they realize that the monster that they have fed and helped grow is now too big to kill is really almost prophetic now looking back on it in a post-nationalist movement USA and Europe. As a whole though, if you ignore the feeling like the point of the movie may have been rendered mute by society just 2 years after its release, you will have watched a very entertaining comedy about the worst human to ever be born. I really have to hand it Oliver Masucci for really taking a very difficult role in the role of Hitler himself, and making him simultaneously hilarious and terrifying as well as nearly making the monster that is Hitler likable. I wouldn't have believed that sentence unless I'd seen the movie but Masucci really does that good of a job in the movie. It's just a shame that the direction and pacing of this movie aren't worth Masucci's talent. The direction of this movie is all over the place and it can hit a lot of really funny, saddening, and scary moments but it fails to find a solid path to lead us from one scene to the other. instead of making a road that leads from scene to scene in a way that feels natural the pacing of this film feels more like each scene is a stepping stone in the middle of a stream and the audience is forced to awkwardly hop from one scene to the next with no set goal in its delivery other than to go from start to end. Overall the movie is worth your time, it makes a really solid point about how modern society seems more willing to accept people saying really horrible things so long as we assume them to be comical and like I said before Oliver Masucci really does some amazing stuff with his role in the movie.
The funniest part of this movie is how the movie actually couldn't discredit anything that Hitler said, so they had to resort to insults and fabricated scandals that ignored established historical facts. If your goal is to mock Hitler and you come across looking like the idiot, well then... you might want to reconsider your career.
Donald Buehler
How to make a comedy out of very tragic events and characters? Adrian Brody did it in "Life Is Beautiful" about life in a concentration camp. "Look Who's Back" does it via the premise that Adolf Hitler returns to modern day Germany. Of course everyone believes that he is an actor - one who disturbingly never steps out of character. The audience knows that he cannot - as he actually is Hitler. Much of the film is humorous as Hitler tries to reestablish himself as "The Fuhrer" and tries to understand and cope with modern day technology and attitudes.Oliver Masucci is brilliant as Hitler -playing the role so straight that he became very scary near the end. The brilliance of Hitler was aptly demonstrated as people began responding to the hate - filled rhetoric he employed on various television shows. In real life the industrialists supported Hitler because they were sure they could control him - they could not. The church supported him because they thought he would be useful to them and that they could control him - they could not. Finally the German Army threw in with him because they wanted to get rid of their rivals - Hitler's "brown shirt" Army - the Sturmabteilung (SA). He got rid of Strasser and Rohm and thousands of others as he dismantled the organization which carried him to power. But alas the Army also could not control him.In the movie, he becomes a media star because of viewership and ratings. We see glimpses of the audience saying like "I think I agree with him, and he makes a lot of sense." The TV moguls are building their careers on his outrageousness and resulting popularity.His grasp on people is creepy, insidious and feels quite realistic. This film shows you how riveting he could be - and gives you a glimpse into how he came to power. So, beyond laughs - the message clearly is that this could happen again. We must be aware of potential dictators in our midst. A few people in the movie saw that he really was Hitler - and they were discarded at the end of the movie.This movie is not a condemnation of Germany - past or present. Hitler in the movie postulates at the end of the film that we cannot get rid of him - because he is a part of us. I hope that is not true.
The Couchpotatoes
Even though German is not the most pleasant language to listen to because it all sounds so aggressive all the time in this movie it works rather well because Adolf Hitler's speeches were also aggressive all the time. The movie itself is a dark comedy with sometimes a political view of modern society. It shows a lot of what is happening in Europe and what people complain about. Well at least what right wing people complain about and think about the situation because I couldn't care less about races and ethnicity's. You have good and bad people in all ethnicity's. The movie has some funny moments. I know I laughed a couple of times but for the majority of the movie I thought it was sometimes a bit long. Oliver Masucci as Adolf Hitler plays his role really good though. He has the physics and the perfect intonation in his voice to play Hitler. It's a good movie to watch once but I won't watch it a second time.