Lorenzo and Monica

5.2| 1h26m| en

A young couple go on a crime spree holding up stores in hope of becoming famous while being pursued by a cop who recently rejoined the force after losing his fiancee to a violent crime.


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Also starring Ian Novick


ThiefHott Too much of everything
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Michael Ledo Lorenzo (Tray Chaney) and Monica (Natasha 'Breezy' Malone) go on a crime spree and like to be photographed. The opening scene is the plot spoiler ending. The film is part of a flashback told by Lorenzo. It somehow includes the subplot of Cedric, the detective (Ian Novick). Both of our criminals have poorly developed daddy issues. They rob low income mom and pop shops and hide out with a police snitch.The film is low budget. It is ill conceived, poorly written, and with horrible dialogue used on actors who can't deliver them. The action is light and most of the film is Lorenzo and Monica talking about life etc. Even the previews are boring.Parental Guide: F-bomb, N-word, near sex, no nudity.
John Doe I decided to watch this film for the same reason I am sure most would. Tray Chaney of course! His portrayal of Lorenzo seems largely the same as that of 'Poot' from The Wire, and this is no bad thing! I am sure Wire fans will get a smile out of his replies of 'huh?', a Poot staple. Despite watching this for such flimsy reasons, it genuinely was surprisingly impressive. The script was pretty sharp, and I found the lighting and direction atmospheric, although I am sure others may not agree. Most of the scenes are dark, but you can see what is going on. It is a low-budget film, and has all the hallmarks of one. The use of very few extras give it that feel of being slightly removed from reality.This film is really more romantic melodrama than high octane action, with the relationship between the two central characters at the core, and the crimes receiving less focus. The relationship feels real though, with moments that were genuinely comic.Overall, decent script, and it makes the most of it's shoestring budget. If you loved Tray Chaney in The Wire you will love him here!

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