Losing Chase

1996 "A love they never imagined. A summer they never forgot."
6.5| 1h38m| R| en

An intimate and turbulent relationship develops between Chase, a woman recovering from a nervous breakdown, and Elizabeth, the caretaker employed to look after her.


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Hallmark Entertainment


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Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
OJT A surprisingly well directed and acted drama about dealing with losing the grip of reality, and how this affects not only the family, but also the community.Kyra Sedgwick is hired as a housemaid by a family of four, with two young boys, where the mother has had a nervous breakdown. The arrival of the newcomer slowly changes the situation as the two women with similar background find each other in both similarities and in friendship.Not only Kyra Sedgwick does great here, but Beau Brisges and as always Helen Mirren does a great job under the direction of Kevin Bacon. The drama is excitingly made, with enough of drama and situations to make the film interesting all way through.
runamokprods While the first half feels predictable and very TV movie, the performances are good enough (especially Helen Mirren) to keep it going. And in the second half, this tale of a collage student mother's helper hired to help a woman in an angry depression after suffering a nervous breakdown gets more complex and unpredictable. The relationship between the two women, and they way their damaged souls play off each other is quite moving and grown up. Strong subtle direction by Kevin Bacon.Does take a hit for over the top performances from the kids, and other key small roles, all playing types, not human beings.
jeeper_white Losing Chase Helen Mirren, Kyra Sedgwick, Beau Bridges(maybe some spoilers)Chase is a wife and mother of two who is recovering from a nervous breakdown. To help her round the house, her husband Richard, hires Elizabeth, a 'mother's helper'. Or 'slave' as Chase liked to call her.At first Chase isn't at all happy about Elizabeth staying with them and tries to discourage her by giving her the cold shoulder. But Elizabeth also has her fair share of family problems, and eventually Chase warms to Liz and they become friends, typical. They couldn't be enemies the whole time could they. Anyway, a whole lot of nothing important happens and Chase and Liz exchange alot of shifty looks which at first are deceiving and eventually becomes a budding liaison. Or probably would have if the husband hadn't have come back when he did.Helen Mirren and Kyra Sedgwick both do a great acting job. As did Michael Yarmush, who played the older son. His character was annoying at times but it was distinct. And Yarmush did a good job with it. The ending was poor if you ask me, but to say it was made 8 years ago it was understandable.
Ewi Chase Phillips (Helen Mirren) is having a nervous breakdown and her businessman-away-from-home husband hires Elizabeth (Kyra Sedgwick) to take care of the household and their 2 sons. But Elizabeth has her own demons to face, her family has a history of mantal illness, which arises with Chase's self destructive behaviour.The movie is about the relationship between these 2 women and is mostly predictable and even banal, but the acting is very good. Helen Mirren is superb as usual, and Kyra Sedgwick is doing quite a good job herself. Not bad for Kevin Bacon's debut film as a director.