This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Film Perfection
Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Rich Wright
You'd think if a ship went missing in the Bermuda Triangle for 25 years, and mysteriously reappeared with near everything intact minus the people they'd be more global interest than from a crappy, cheap cable show, but never mind. Our intrepid explorers, complete with the son of two of the original passengers and a salvage crew board the long-lost frigate... and promptly start dying one after the other in 'strange' circumstances. Could the cause be something to do with the supernatural? My guess is: YES.Watching this is akin to drinking Diet Coke: It quenches your thirst, but has absolutely no distinction and doesn't leave any impression whatsoever. There are some reasonable special effects, no-one is so irritating you want them to perish immediately and I couldn't detect any daft decisions made... which is unusual in this genre. It's just you want MORE than mere competency, a fact hammered home by the lack of anything resembling a climax. The film is content to sit there... wallowing in it's own mediocrity... with the predictable couple surviving and barely any fireworks throughout. Not even a damp sparkler.Some may be content with this. I wasn't. 4/10
Not a horrible movie, just not a really good one. The storyline is just like "Event Horizon"; ship disappears, reappears years later, is basically haunted, kills a bunch of people, and disappears again leaving only a couple survivors behind. The set design was good, the CGI was OK for low budget, and the acting was alright but a bit overdone. A few elements from "Ghost Ship" were in there. There were a few unanswered questions and a few plot holes. It was pretty predictable on what was going to happen through most of the movie. The ending was alright, kinda creepy, but left you expecting more. All in all, if it's late at night and nothing else is on it's a decent time filler.
Hollywood is building up a nice cache of "derelict ship" movies: "The Black Hole", "Ghost Ship", "Event Horizon", and even episodes of "The X Files" and "Night Gallery" have built stories around this theme. This isn't even the first movie to center its plot on the infamous Bermuda Triangle. That honor may belong to "Satan's Triangle", a 1975 ABC "movie of the week" which, for all its tiny budget (and ship!), is still probably the best of the genre.This film most resembles "Ghost Ship", which came out a year later. If I'm not mistaken, this is an original film out of the Sci Fi Channel's stable of made-for-TV thrillers. That by itself is hardly a ringing endorsement, but this one is actually moderately interesting.The TV budget shows in the CG effects which, while not horrible, are noticeable for what they are. (The flying ghosts are hardly convincing.) Sci-fi fans will like the cast, which features Lance Henriksen ("Millenium"), who by now can do this kind of story in his sleep; and sharp-eyed "X Files" fans will recognize Mark Sheppard, who played gregarious pyromaniac Cecil L'Ively in the episode "Fire".Where this movie succeeds is in establishing a spooky atmosphere. You know characters are going to be dying one by one, so the real suspense comes in the times in-between the deaths. Where the movie fails, unfortunately, is in the storytelling. Though the overall structure is good, a few things beg explaining. SPOILER WARNING -- SPOILER WARNING -- SPOILER WARNINGWithout getting into too much detail, let's just say that one of the characters first warns the others about impending doom, and then leads another character to his death. Not exactly consistent, huh? Nor is it explained why the phantoms that appear are people from the characters' pasts...nor why, indeed, the ship suddenly re-appears from the Bermuda Triangle, only to be headed right back into it. In a more minor vein, one might carp on the fact that the ghosts do away with the first few victims via physical means, i.e, "accidents", whereas some of the last characters to go are outright dissolved by the resident spookies. END SPOILER WARNING -- END SPOILER WARNING -- END SPOILER WARNINGAside from the aforementioned questionable plot points, the ending is a bit weak. The script really has all the earmarks of something that needed a few more weeks of polishing before being put before the cameras. Still, you can make an argument for this film based on atmosphere. It's paced nicely, the camera work is effective, the music appropriately creepy, and the acting is decent.These factors overcome the flaws enough to make it a spooky, watchable "popcorn" film...good for a rental or a deep-discount buy.
This movie is based around the story of man, who as a child lost his father on the fatal voyage. He grows up studying various paranormal activity around and associated with the Bermuda Triangle. The movie is very gory, aside from that, its a good psychological thriller. The movie has scenes in the beginning which are not explained until the end of the movie, which add to the mental thrill. Judd Nelson gave a decent performance. What I liked most about this movie was the way the entities were introduced to the live cast, and how these entities screwed with the minds of the people. The ending is spooky, since it is at this point the opening scenes are explained. It also seemed left open for a possible sequel. The downside to this movie, was it seemed most of the secondary characters were underdeveloped. I recommend seeing it if you can set aside any pre-judgements you may have about the film; standing on its own, its a good flick.