Love Costs Everything

2011 "A Film About Christian Persecution"
7.6| 1h45m| G| en

Love Costs Everything maps the history of Christian persecution from the first Christian martyrs to seven present-day stories of faith that knows no price. In the face of persecution, these followers of Christ fear compromise more than death itself. Filmed in Iraq, Columbia, India, Egypt, France and the United States, this feature-length documentary includes commentary from United States Congressmen, foreign government officials, religious leaders and scholars.



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Christ In Youth


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Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Ben Steiner I watched this movie, expecting an objective look into persecution of christians across the world. Instead, I got a film that takes one or two very exaggerated outliers, and portrays them as the equal of the entire country. I'm not for or against Christianity, however this movie depicts such people as weak, illogical, and portrays facts incorrectly. For example, I have a friend who is Indian (Asian Indian, not American Indian). He took great offence to the people who were from India, because they were literally one out of 1.2 billion people to be attacked. For example; taking a trashy part of the country; such as Detroit, looking at a random alleyway, and depicting it as all of America is equivalent to what this movie does with India. Some of the cases, I feel, have been exaggerated to the point where we dehumanize the people living within the respective countries. One of the cases, about an Egyptian Muslim who converted and ran away to America, has been based solely on the wishes of the mother. The mother obtained a visa to the united states for a short period of time, however she decided to kidnap her children and overstay the visa, because she did not want to return home. The father is demonized in the movie, despite his efforts over a period of 10 years to recover said stolen children. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to rescue his children, however he was unsuccessful and died without ever seeing his children again. Basically, the people who made this movie put Christianity on such a high horse, and do not appreciate anybody disagreeing with their beliefs, even if they break the law doing so.
sakuraotempera This film brought me to absolute tears and i cried all the way through, especially with Sanjay Masih and his wife Gushlan. She sounded do angelic and peaceful and loving. She was so strong. May we all pray for her kind of strength that stood the test and prevailed. It came out of the blue but after they were attacked and he woke up alone, there was that dead feeling inside. she's gone... Compared to the stale pale imitation shown in Hollywood movies, this was the real thing. You could see it. This man was hurting yet he had the courage to pick himself back together and with God's help, he set forth to realize their vision. This documentary was remarkable in so many ways. Anyone who watches it ought see the strength and conviction to minister and pay witness to the most powerful message of all. Love. What has happened, that we don't accept Love when it's so freely offered yet choose to wallow in despair because it's what we've always known? can we not make a change and choose Life instead? Just think about it...