The Age of Commercialism
How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Jack Vasen
This is a nice telling of a very emotional story. It has a few minor twists that liven it up, but overall you really feel the emotional struggles of both Nora and Jamie.For a while you want to say "Jamie, what a jerk" until you get some insight into his background.The acting was mostly level and not at all over the top as it could have been in such a story. Yet the feelings still struck home. I liked it the way it was done.For a while when Nora was having trouble connecting with Jamie, I was thinking that all she needed was two words to his agent - paternity suit. Not that this is what she wanted, but it would have gotten their attention. I'm glad she stuck with enduring the hard way to connect.
This is one of those "slice of life" movies where everyone acts like a fairly normal person, nobody is killed, nothing spectacularly dramatic happens, and things just roll through a series of "life moments" for those on the screen. The appeal mostly hangs on how much we care about the characters and on how resonant the dialogue and scenes are with how real life feels to us.Well... this felt real enough, even though most of us won't have the kind of wealth sitting around that the male lead does. If we did, we might well have the life that he leads here, so it fits fine for movie purposes. All the other characters we meet seem like very everyday people, and all the developments are things we all live through and/or hear from our own friends. The way things work out for the central characters isn't settled until the very end, so our interest is held throughout, and the pacing is pretty good and steady.So, it comes down to the characters and their portrayal by the actors, and everyone here does a fine job of breathing life into each one. They all feel real and they all seem to belong to the same reality.I only gave the movie a 6; perhaps it should be higher, but despite the solid base I just described, I wasn't overly excited about this movie at any point. It's pretty good, but just that. I don't feel like my life has changed at all by having seen it, and there isn't any really new ground broken here, so... I can't rave about it. However, if you have the time to pay attention to solid performances in a decent drama, I expect you'll enjoy this one.
Fell asleep on the sofa and woke up in the middle of the night to this. Thought I left the TV on Skinimax and couldn't find the remote. Oh darn, right? Don't do it! It's a trick. Tracey Lotrds couldn't write a more shallow, less interesting plot. And there was no skin! None! However, the only 3 out of 10 goes to the acting of bit parts in this film. Very subtle, very impressive character acting, despite the amazingly awful dialog thrown at them. Kudos and good luck to you individuals.Now for those of you that read the notes on this site that push this film up to a whopping 5.3... I'm sorry. Find the remote!!!
I wasn't familiar with either of the two leads in this film, and after seeing the brief description in the local guide, thought I might watch it for all of, say, five minutes.However, I found it to be a straightforward story, presented in a realistic fashion, with two wholly-engaging leads, who were likable as well as believable.It is refreshing to see a story - whether on film or stage - presented without a trace of exaggeration or forced drama, which still holds one's interest, and a feeling for the characters.This movie, in my opinion, achieved that - far better than most big-screen and big-budget presentations with a bevy of "A" list Hollywood superstars.I believe what most of us want is to be entertained and to view a story with characters whom we we like. Although some performances and story lines are designed to have a hard edge, tragedy, and where the cast are supposed to be less than likable -- it is always a plus to see those where we can feel good after viewing.This one provides all you could ask from a well-designed and well-acted film. While "Lifetime's" are largely average, and sometimes well-below, this one is a commendable, "A-class" effort.