Sorry, this movie sucks
Lack of good storyline.
Better Late Then Never
Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Enjo Kosai (compensated dating) is nothing new, and if you go to Shibuya, even now there are girls who comes and asks you for your "support" (literally translates to Enjo). There's a market for it as seen on this movie, and it has become easy way for high school girls to gain money.Four girls are friends at school. Each has reason to go on Enjo Kosai. Hiromi is new to all this, but she first starts with going to karaoke house with middle aged man with her friends. Gradually, she starts to do it on her own. Her parents of course knows nothing about this. Hiromi has a goal of making enough money to buy an expensive ring she saw. She thinks its not so difficult, and gets dating appointments over phone. But reality of life is about to give her a lesson.This type of activity is very easy in Japan where there are many karaoke booth, and so called love hotels. It's easy to get lost in the crowd and blend in as not to be conspicuous. All the girls take full advantage of the society they live in. But such activities are not without risk, and that seems to be the point if there's any about this movie.Movies about prostitution has been made before and this is another modern take on it. The movie provides inside look of Japanese society, and is an interesting story to watch.
This is one of those films that you need to watch very carefully. The surface is a very disturbing film, but deep enough, this film is a full essay on teenage prostitution in Japan... in the 90's. Now a reality around the globe. That makes this film twice disturbing...The film is shot in a lot of unorthodox techniques that can be confusing for a western audience, but you need to remember Hideaki Anno is the creator of such mind-blowing works as Neon Genesis Evangelion, and in the same same vein, we can contemplate how deep can a teenager go in her despair to be something she is not supposed to be. Requiem for a Dream is the nearest thing you'll ever see to "Love & Pop".Watch it. Just watch it.
This film isn't something mind-blowing, but its special in its own way, cause of peculiar way Hideaki makes his movies.The film follows four Japanese high school girls who engage in enjo kosai, or compensated dating. This is a practice in Japan where older businessmen pay teenage girls more commonly to simply spend time with them, or rarely for prostitution. The movie is also a coming-of-age story. The main character, Hiromi, does not have the direction in life that her friends already have. Hiromi's friends were going to buy Hiromi a ring, but Hiromi refuses to take all the money because she does not want her friends to be jealous. Hiromi goes on dates by herself to get money for the ring. Soon, she gets in over her head. Hiromi falls too far into the world of enjo-kosai as she tries to hold onto a "friends forever" vision of the past.I gave it 9 out of 10 only because of Hideaki's sheer creativity in this film, storytelling, choosing camera, and camera shots (i find it so refreshing), and few other cool stuff...If you like Art & Creativity, you'll sure like Love & Pop.
at first i didnt think much of this movie. i skimmed through it and was getting ready to delete it but decided to watch it once out of boredom. The first half of the movie was what i expected, boring japanese teenage schoolgirl's life accompanied by crazy camera anglges, very reminisce of a shoddy indi film... the characters that paid for the girls to accompany them were definitely colorful and i doubt real ppl like that in the same situation would do the same. Right till the point when i was bored out of my mind watching, in comes the last character, Captain EO... what happens afterwards totally changed my mind about this movie. Everything just comes together after that one big scene, and im like ****, why didnt i notice that before..