While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Roy Hart
If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
It was wonderful seeing John Cassavetes and wife Gena Rowlands play brother and sister, each with serious sanity issues, in 'Love Streams' (I had only previously seen them together in the stellar 'Opening Night', my favourite Cassavetes film), from a script he co-wrote with the author of the 1980 stage play, Ted Allan (Cassavetes' character, Robert Harmon, was originally played by Jon Voight on stage). While his earliest film, 'Shadows', is least pleasing to me simply because I don't feel his cast there was of the quality necessary to handle that large degree of spontaneity and improvisation, by two decades later, he had refined (and perhaps perfected) his approach, and it's a great day for the two stars as well as stock company mainstay Seymour Cassel, who's always a treat to see. I strongly urge that if you have a sibling you love but currently have problems relating with, to take the time, watch the film with them, and learn something about yourself. This is probably the finest moment of Golan-Globus Films as well...
The story opens in the middle of a situation that, without context, makes for total confusion. We are introduced to Robert Harmon (John Cassavetes) and a gaggle of young women. Harmon is supposedly a writer who specializes in sexually-themed novels and is currently gathering data on urban night life. Odd that throughout the movie we never see Harmon writing. The first part of the movie is constructed from disconnected scenes. Sarah Lawson (Gena Rolands) is in a scene that is a divorce hearing trying to settle on parental rights. Sarah says she spends most of her time going to funerals and attending the sick. We never see her doing any of the things that she claims occupy her.The first half of the movie gets into understanding Robert and Sarah a little. The movie is half over before we know if there is any connection between Robert and Sarah. What was established in the first half was that Robert is a heavy drinker and a philandering ass. Sarah is seen as not playing with a full deck and at one point tells her ex-husband the she thinks she is almost not crazy. The movie takes a different turn when a woman shows up at Robert's door with an eight-year-old boy and tells him the boy is his son, and would he take care of him for a weekend. Just to indicate how far from how any real person would react, Robert's reaction to this appearance of his son, whom he has not seen since the kid's birth, is along the lines of "Sure, come on in." Some interest is developed in seeing how a wastrel like Robert reacts to having his son on board. He does boot out the young prostitutes from his house, but then encourages the kid to drink a beer and takes him to Las Vegas.After a trip to Europe where Sarah carries around a train car full of luggage, and has a stereotypical argument with a Frenchman who doesn't speak English, she returns to the U.S. and winds up at Robert's house where we finally learn that Robert and Sarah are siblings. Once Sarah and Robert are together the movie gradually abandons any attempt to stay on this side of reality and ultimately zooms off into the ozone. The signature scene that has Sarah bringing a menagerie of animals to Robert's house in a taxi (including a couple of horses, a goat, a duck, a parrot, and some chickens) struck me as just absurd. I suppose it was meant to be humorous, but it fell flat for me.Almost every scene struck me as lasting too long. What was to be gained by seeing Robert stagger drunkenly down a hotel hallway for about a minute? The aggregation of the overly long scenes makes for an overly long movie.There are some interesting scene compositions and lighting techniques and that is why I give this more than one star.This is my third Cassavetes movie and I think it will be my last. He is on a different wavelength from me.
Robert Harmon (John Cassavetes) is a drunken irresponsible womanizer writer. His sister Sarah Lawson (Gena Rowlands) is getting a divorce. She's unstable and obsessed with going to funerals or visiting the sick. Her daughter has had enough and choose to live with the father. Robert's ex-wife surprises him with his 8-years old son but he is ill equipped to take of the boy. Sarah shows up as the the siblings struggle to fix their shortcomings.At first, I find Sarah's divorce fascinating but Robert is horribly annoying. He's a drunken douche. The rest of the movie has some interesting scenes but a lot of meandering naturalistic wanderings. I'm not a big fan of Cassavetes but I always enjoy me some Gena Rowlands.
Two closely bound, emotionally wounded siblings (real-life spouses John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands) reunite after years apart.Unlike his earlier films that were independent and in many ways raging against the Hollywood system, this time Cassavetes is working for Cannon, a company perhaps now best known for their 1980s action films. How much control they had over him is unclear, but allegedly they did attempt to keep him in line.But the Cassavetes of old is still here. He has his regular acting troupe: Seymour Cassel as Jack Lawson, Al Ruban (who was also cinematographer) as Milton Kravitz, and of course his wife Gena Rowlands. And there is still a bit more conversation than some viewers might like (Cassavetes has a hard time keeping his films under two hours).Roger Ebert gave the film 4 stars, noting "Viewers raised on trained and tame movies may be uncomfortable in the world of Cassavetes; his films are built around lots of talk and the waving of arms and the invoking of the gods... Sometimes (as in 'Husbands') the wild truth-telling approach evaporates into a lot of empty talk and play-acting. In 'Love Streams', it works." Indeed, this is the biggest drawback to Cassavetes' films: his love for excessive dialogue that does not advance the plot. While it does exist in "Love Streams", it seems to not be as grandiose as in the past.