Lovers of the Café Flore

6.5| 1h44m| en

In 1924, Simone de Beauvoir, a girl with polished appearance, prepares for her final examination in philosophy and meets Jean-Paul Sartre. He seems to know her true personality and considers her the only woman worthy of his intellect. Their chaotic love serves as the premise for her magnum opus The Second Sex.


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ada the leading man is my tpye
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
jotix100 Anyone looking to get to know better two of the most important figures of French literature, Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, well better be advised to look somewhere else. This film, that was shown recently on cable, was made for television, and it shows. Ilan Duran Cohen pays tribute to two of the best known personalities of the middle of the last century that were influential for the way their generation, and those that followed, looked at life, basing it on their perception of what Sartre and de Beauvoir set up as a philosophy.One of the most annoying things in the film is the characterization of Jean Paul Sartre. He comes out as a goofy individual, who loved bedding women, but could not have a sexual relationship with Ms. de Beauvoir. The pipe smoking Sartre could probably not have been happy with the way he is presented in the film.On the other hand, Simone de Beauvoir was another story. She was a scholar that was more interested in the woman's role in society. She was a feminist that took things into her hands to make women think about their sex, as well as their position in a male dominated world. Simone was bisexual, which explains her going to bed with women, and to find sexual fulfillment with a manly type, like it was the case of her affair with American writer, Nelson Algren. She evidently was never able to have the same satisfaction with the man that she was long associated with, Jean Paul Sartre.Anna Mougalis steals the film. Her take on Ms. de Beauvoir shows an intelligent woman, way above the circle of philosophers of her generation. Ms. Mougalis, is an interesting presence in any film in which she appears. She has a dark kind of beauty and an intensity to match. We liked her in "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky", as well as in "Merci pour le chocolat", among others. Lorant Deutsch is not in the same league as Ms. Mougalis. His Sartre was not too convincing, or maybe it was the director's conception of the man.
Malwina Ginowt I must say that it is kind of refreshing to see Nelson Algren called "the Chicago guy". All in all, the story is well known, but still so sad. The idea that male self-proclaimed geniuses could convince women of Simone de Beauvoir's intellect to do practically anything; the undeniable fact that celebrity status is enough to evoke sexual attraction… it is very difficult to feel optimism about the fate of women now as then. Yes, freedom begins with one's own wallet, and could do with a room of one's own, but captivity can surpass all this. It does not help that the movie is rather on an easy, not to say on a kitschy side. Its competitor, Claude Goretta's mini series "Sartre, l'âge des passions" (2006) cannot change the sadness of the story, but at least can tell it in a much more realistic, convincing, and complex way.
msbsegal I must begin by saying that although I live in Israel, I am born in Paris, France and I got my first degree from the University of Paris. French literature and philosophy, French or otherwise, were part of our curriculum for the Baccalaureat. So, the background presented in the movie is quite authentic, and the Flore is the famous cafe on the Montparnasse Boulevard, where this Circle would meet. As far as I know the Cafe still exists but was more a place of meeting for the gay's community. Just like the Coupole, they have lost some of the lustre, which I remember from my youth when I used to go there with my late parents on Sundays afternoon...I just saw the film and I must say that Laurant Deutsch looks exactly like Sartre, same looks, same glasses, and same pipe. Simone de Beauvoir was less known to me but I did read her first novel "L'Invite" – the Guest, which is mentioned in the movie. I seem to remember that there were talks about them, but every one seemed to know about it like the fact that they never married and that she never had children. Sartre died in 1980 and Simone in 1984, they are buried in the famous Pere Lachaise Cemetery, together with Balzac, Chopin, Proust (and even Jim Morrison from The Doors), and all the others.We see Albert Camus, Francois Mauriac, we hear about Andre Malraux, Aragon etc. Some of them were fanatic communists like Aragon and his friend / wife Elsa, and others. The impact of WWII on all involved, on the life in France, in Paris, is quite well described as well as the rather uninvolvement of Sartre to help one member, who was a Jew, and shot by Nazis in the street – which was a much better end than the camps. So I do think he was a bit of a racist, he used Simone, and she, out of devotion and knowing how much he depended on her and knowing also what a genius he was, she gave up on her own happiness for him. The episode about the Chicago guy was news to me. But many details on this whole set have been new to me.The actors play very convincingly some parts, which are pretty tough, Deutsch is great, and so is Anna Mouglalis, and the other members of the cast are quite good. The movie script is well researched and fits properly the personages and the period; on the whole it is quite enjoyable, apart from the nude scenes, which I think are unneeded. A good movie for those, who like this genre.