Lack of good storyline.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
I first separate films such as this (some refer to them as "art" films) into two categories. Does the maker(s) take the attitude, "I'm an insightful, sensitive genius and if you fail to notice you're an imbecile." or does he/she/they make an attempt to have the work be interesting and thought provoking to the average person? I put LULU in the latter category. It seems to me the work was truly trying to place some positive human attributes, aspirations, etc., above this life of suffering and sorrow. The acting was also exceptionally good.But even if a film passes the sincerity test, it does not necessarily mean it works and/or is a great film. LULU lacks the sheer audacity of a David Lynch flick, the disturbing impact of a Von Triar movie or the passion of a Herzog effort (I'd throw Aranofsky in, but he's really mainstream). Its enjoyable enough to watch but I didn't find myself torturing myself later on to find answers because I just don't think there was enough behind LULU's creation to make examination efforts worthwhile. I am left with some pleasant thoughts of love and life angst. But LULU just doesn't qualify as a heavy; e.g., like BLUE VELVET, DOGVILLE, or GRIZZLY MAN. Would definitely watch another film by this dude though.
I got in one hour after it had started. It starred Harvey Keitel, whom I especially like and wanted to watch it because of him. Then Wilem DaFoe was there also, second reason to continue watching. Then, again, Mandy Patikin, number three great actor. I liked the character Harvey was playing, a soft spoken, quiet man, much different than many of his other characters. It was more like his character in 'The Piano'. I was pulled in and couldn't stop watching. I didn't know what had come before, so couldn't completely understand it, but just had to keep watching. As in a mystery, I thought I knew what was going on and I knew I had to see the entire movie at that point. It's more like a play than a movie, and excellently done. Great cinematography. Great suspense. Stunning finish. Really made me think and feel deeply.
It is unique opportunity to see good American movie. For thinking, not brainless people. I haven't seen for a long time an american movie I wouln't be able to guess the ending. This one really surprised me. I see two parralels to other artists.My first impression - this film has a lot of Krzysztof Kieslowski spirit. I can see the same sadness of loneliness in Mira Sorvino's eyes as in Irene Jacob eyes in "Double life of Veronique". LULU tells the same story - how lonely we are on this planet.Second impression - the movie is similar to "The Sixth Sense" in matter of post mortem life. It's hard to guess what is real, and what is imagination.Great movie for thinking people. Very positive surprise. And Lou Reed as "not Lou Reed" - great joke.
I just love this movie. Well parts of it. The entire movie, up until Izzy get's kidnapped, is great. I, believe it or not, did feel the connection between Izzy and Celia. I love Willem Defoe, however it just dragged after that point. I bought the book, have the soundtrack, just love love love it. I especially love the restaurant scene where Izzy loses his temper. Funny.