Mackinac Island

6.7| 0h10m| en

This Traveltalk series short begins in Chicago, where the narrator and his crew board a cruise ship. After a 20-hour trip up Lake Michigan, they arrive at Mackinac Island, near the southeast tip of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. On the island, we see many of the attractions for which it is famous. These include Arch Rock, Old Fort Mackinack, and a hotel owned by Chauncey Depew. No automobiles are allowed on the island. Transportation is limited to bicycles and horse-drawn carriages.


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Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Michael_Elliott Mackinac Island (1944) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Another pleasant entry in MGM's TravelTalks series starts off on Lake Michigan where we view the coastline of Chicago. James A. FitzPatrick then takes a cruise to Mackinac Island where we learn about its history from the original Indians who lived there to how the French took control of it. We see various items including the various flowers that grow there before ending our trip at the Grand Hotel, which was originally owned by Chauncey Depew. As expected, the Technicolor is certainly the highlight of this short and it was a lot of fun briefly seeing Chicago even if the series had several visits there. On the island we get the typical stories but they're all told quite well by FitzPatrick and no one can dispute the scenery.