Mad Buddies

4| 1h36m| en

Two sworn enemies, Boetie (Leon Schuster) and Beast (Kenneth Nkosi) are forced to do a road trip together on foot, only to discover that they have been conned into being part of a TV reality show.


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Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
drealler almost the entire movie looks like a collection of all other Leon Schuster's previous movies, almost all the scenes make you ask yourself, "Haven't I seen this before", at first its fun to see a joke you've seen before being redone in fun way, but not when all of the movie is a collection of all funny scenes in previous movies. overall I was really disappointed by this Leon Schuster train wrack!
bobbyandbeans I just saw this movie online and I have to say it was abysmal. That grownup adults actually spent time and money making this is sad.The entire movie was nothing more than a bunch of childish and idiotic hijinks that were neither funny nor believable. A man chases another man through a wedding reception with a weed whacker, a man steps on a rake and hits himself in the head, their motorcycle/sidecar gets split in two when they run into a pole. This is supposed to be funny? What's worse, every situation had an obvious setup, as if giving the audience time to build their anticipation. Instead, it just made scenes drag. "The wedding's head of security is stepping on the bride's dress... it's going to rip... wait for it... wait for it..." "That statue that he just knocked over, he's lifting it by the boobies... I bet someone will walk in and see him... wait for it... wait for it..."The acting was equally uninspired. Schuster spent the entire movie grimacing or laughing like a hyena. Ntombela threw himself into his role, perhaps to make up for his size, but instead it made everything even less believable. Tanit Phoenix was either painfully wooden or painfully shrill, but she wore miniskirts throughout so we all know what she brings to the table. (An aside to Schuster... when you write a part in the movie for your old, fat, sweaty, ugly character to be flirting with the hot model-type, it only makes you look sad. When you make the hot model-type seem more than happy to sleep with you if you save her career, that makes her a whore. Have some respect for yourself and others in your next movie, okay?) Peter Sellers knew how to do slapstick comedy for adults, by creating a serious story and characters that could revolve around the subtle, "I didn't see that coming" hilarity, with real actors that knew their craft. This movie had neither story, nor actors who could rise above that. It might appeal to the kindergarten crowd, but I doubt anyone over the age of 5 is going to be amused.
alexthewriter I'm not very familiar with Leon Schuster's past works which may explain some joke I'm missing. Supposedly he's a very talented writer with a strong fan base in South Africa, but if this movie is any indication of that talent, I would need to ask why.Mad Buddies had the thinnest and most ridiculous of plots, with virtually no character development or depth. Two men who supposedly hate each other are forced to walk to Joburg together, not knowing that they're part of a reality TV program. The movie dissolved from there into Benny Hill and Three Stooges style pratfalls which may have been funny 20 years ago, but which today are simply overdone and unnecessary. Both men seemed to do nothing more than fall down, get hit by random objects, and shriek like donkeys. This went on for 90 minutes.Model Tanit Phoenix, obviously tossed in for nothing more than eye candy, poses through her god-awful wooden delivery of what few lines she had. Kenneth Nkosi showed he has some talent from his role in D9 and Schuster seems like he can deliver a line on cue, but if South Africa wants to compete on the world stage, it will need to do better than this drivel. I don't know that the kids will even appreciate its obvious setups and jokes you can see coming from kilometers away. I wasted too many Rand on this film; I wouldn't recommend you do the same.
mozoloman Not the funniest of Leon's movies and we've been given better before. An original script nonetheless even the jokes and stunts are a first such as,"Listen buddy somewhere down there's a dead poacher,but you can have this for a starter." There's a silly government minister busy tearing himself apart while two enemies become friends through chaos.It relise strongly on the success of past films of this unlikely South African comedy franchise not creating a new fan base.It will grab you on its familiar cast alone, however if you're a foreigner simply look forward to a good laugh done the South African style.Overall, it pushed the boundary and I liked it plus there's a hot model in there.