Madame Tutli-Putli

7.2| 0h17m| en

Madame Tutli-Putli boards the Night Train, weighed down with all her earthly possessions and the ghosts of her past. She travels alone, facing both the kindness and menace of strangers. As day descends into dark, she finds herself caught up in a desperate metaphysical adventure.


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Also starring Laurie Maher


Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
SnoopyStyle Madame Tutli-Putli and her many luggage board a train. She is alone among many strangers. She's sitting opposite a crude former tennis star. The train stops to wait for another passing train. Three mysterious thieves sneak on board and release sleeping gas. She wakes up into a nightmarish situation. Her luggage and the other passengers are all gone. She sees an image of someone cutting out the liver of another passenger.This National Film Board of Canada animated short received an Oscar nomination. This is all about the visual look. The stop-motion animation looks creepy. The human eyes really make it stand out. This would be a great horror but it needs a well written story. This short is more experimental. There is a possibility of a great style for a longer film with a more compelling story.
Armand strange option for its viewers. and real useful. because it seems not have a subject. but this fact is only a detail .because you could be one of its characters. the story is a trip in a large yard of significances, cultural references, it could have so many explanations than becomes an adventure. it is easy to describe it as a labyrinth but , after its end, you understand to be more. the great animation, the chains of details , the each gesture and the single word, the terror birth by profound ambiguity are pieces who defines it. a film for great patience and large imagination. a magic one for the feeling after its final. and for the special form of sympathy for madame Tutli - Putli.
MartinHafer This is one of the most visually striking short films I have ever seen. In fact, I was stunned by the animation style that I immediately checked around the internet to try to determine HOW they did this film. One claimed they were puppets with real sets but I couldn't get much more about it--and I really hope they release a film showing how they made it. The film is so unique, so beautiful and such an artistic triumph that you really cannot appreciate the look of the film until you see it for yourself. In light of this, I am not at all surprised that it's been nominated for an Academy Award--we'll just have to wait and see if it wins.As for the story, it's best described as confusing and practically insignificant. It's as if the film is an artist's pallet and you watch and absorb the film--meaning and significance are really up to the beholder. Other than it's obvious Madame Tutli-Pulti has gotten on a very strange and surrealistic train, I really am not sure what it was all about and that, for once, is okay with me. You just have to see it to believe it.UPDATE---This is the day before the Oscars are announced for 2008 and I just got back from a special screening by our local film society of all five films nominated in the category of Best Animated Short Film. This film was among the five and I was surprised that my reaction to the film differed, somewhat, the second time. First, on a big screen, Madame and the other characters were significantly uglier and creepier, though the sets and effects were still amazing. Second, the story was still weird and incomprehensible! I predict that although this film is very different and likable, it probably won't win the Oscar as "Même les pigeons vont au paradis" and "Moya lyubov" were among the nominees and seemed like better films.ANOTHER UPDATE--2/24/08--The Oscar was just announced and the winner in this category was PETER & THE WOLF.
dromasca This short animated movie shows has style and impressive graphics. Characters are modeled on real actors who are credited and this gives personality to each of them. Using real filmed eyes (as I understand) also helps to create a very striking effect.There is no story really here, but just a fragment of life and fantasy located in the 30s in a train trip in the immense Canadian landscape that somehow slides into mystery, imagination and dreams. It works well for the first 12-13 minutes out of the 17 of the movie, but somehow the whole stuff gets tired and not that I expected a conclusion but I felt the ending is inconclusive not from the story-telling but from an artistic point of view. Anyway, the folks who made this movie are real artists and trying their talent on a longer and more consistent film could be an interesting proposal.