It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Very silly movie. Basically one huge music video for the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour album. Music is great, of course, but the video and segues are self- indulgent, meaningless crap. The acting, especially by the Beatles members, is atrocious.If it wasn't for the music and the fact that this is the Beatles, this would be a 1/10 movie.About the only upside is that now I know where the band Death Cab for Cutie got its name from...Not worth watching, not even for its link to the seminal album.
My experience of Magical Mystery Tour dates from the first black and white showing on BBC TV. Earlier in the year an experimental telecast was broadcast called "One World"on the Beeb. Countries from around the globe submitted a short feature. It was monumentally boring. I remember something about pine forests from one place! But the BBC item corrected all that. Their contribution was the Beatles giving "All you Need is Love" its first airing. It totally eclipsed all the other offerings on view. Maybe as a favour to the Beatles for giving them this "feather in their cap" the Beeb decided to commission MMT for a Christmas time showing. The commissioning officer has gone on record to say how pleased he was with the Beatles offering. It was family friendly, had great songs,no swearing, and the viewing figures were astronomical. I must admit that seeing it in black and white was perhaps not the best introduction to this movie. "Flying" should have been retitled "50 shades of grey" for grainy monochrome but, hey, it was whole slew of great new songs from my favourite pop band.I was a complete Sgt Pepper freak. Sure it was uneven but when it was good,it was very,very good. Forward some years later and I experienced a Liverpool Magical Mystery Tour of my own. It was during a festival of comedy and we took a boat from the Liverpool landing stage, Frank Sidebottom was "piloting"-he of the polystyrene head fame-(see new film "Frank" for further details)and various eccentric characters were wandering around on the upper deck. Once we arrived at our destination we were whisked off ion a similar coach to that seen in Magical Mystery and ended up in New Brighton Funfair situated on the far bank of the River Mersey. There amidst the sideshows and nets hung up with multicoloured baubles we discovered the "mystery". We were being treated to a set by Liverpool band "The Farm" who were riding high with their hit "All Together Now". Had this been filmed the resulting documentary would have been very similar to that of Magical Mystery Tour.At the time the format of the Magical Mystery Tour soundtrack was as weird as the film itself. (UK only) It was on two singles encased in a full coloured booklet outlining the story. The two discs played at 33 rpm instead of the usual 45 rpm. In this way, they managed to fit the entire song selection on two discs. To this day it remains a firm favourite. I must have played these discs a hundred times in all innocence until on one play the ending of the introductory song hammered home. It said "DYING TO TAKE YOU AWAY. TAKE YOU TODAY". To me it seemed so slyly inserted into the mix that I felt that I was onto something. The bus tour was actually a metaphor for the soul passing over and was somehow linked into George's Eastern mysticism on "Blue Jay Way".Thanks Steve Nyland for your review reminding me of this "revelation". Of course it is easy to put a false construct on Beatles output, but it does seem as if the passengers pass through circles of hell full of screaming army officers,baying vicars and sinister policemen not to mention that demonic waiter before they reach their destination. The Beatles descend a (heavenly?)staircase and Paul sings "Your Mother Should Know". An elderly relative of mine heard me playing this song and exclaimed "It sounds so sad". I explained Paul's mother had died. Much has been made of John's song "Julia" on the White album but here is Paul singing a jollier version of a Mother song on a previous album. Everyone seems to be happy and having a really good time, Is this where our souls are going to end up? The Beatles are well known for pioneering the music video. At the time people were used to and were expecting a linear story line and were not as "hip" to music video films. Today with our more sophisticated viewing of videos and MTV it just seems like a great long form music video that includes all the latest batch of new songs from the Fab Four way back then. Taken in this context, you will probably enjoy the film. Just a few thoughts to concur with your review,Steve.. Thanks Steve in New York. Greetings from Steve in Liverpool an Oldie Beatles Fan
When this DVD began, I was surprised how degraded and faded the film was. It just goes to show you that not everything about the Beatles was adored. In fact, when this made for TV film was shown on BBC, it bombed...badly. So badly that the film wasn't shown on American TV--which made me curious to watch it! I occasionally like to watch film failures--either to marvel at how bad they are or to re-assess and see that they weren't so bad after all.If I try to describe the film's plot, I really can't. It's all a rather incoherent stream of consciousness piece that looks like the four guys just chucked ANYTHING into the film--and in some cases, I am pretty sure this is what happened. In between some terribly unfunny comedy bits, there are a few music videos and in many ways it seems like a much, much lower budgeted version of Paul McCartney's later vanity film, "Give My Regards to Broad Street".As I sat watching this film, I looked through some of the IMDb reviews. Some hated the film or saw it as a disappointment. Others, however, were such die-hard fans of the group that I honestly think a sizable minority would have loved the film if it consisted of the Fab Four picking each others' noses for 60 minutes. The film is an artless mess and demonstrates that occasionally extremely talented people delude themselves into thinking this talent extends to many other aspects of their lives. In this case, Paul McCartney appeared to think he was creating something new and different....and in a good way. Well, it's not--at least not in a good way. Now it is NOT because of the surrealistic aspects of the film. Some folks can make this work (such as the folks who did "Monty Python" just a year later) but if NOT done right, it can come off as very amateurish and puerile---like this film. Any way you cut it, it's a terrible film despite some nice songs. But, when it comes to their songs, the ones used in this movie look like castoffs from their other movies--stuff that is far from their best work. The same can be said for the entire movie, actually. The film earns a 2, as the music, at times, is a nice break from the rest of this mess.
Rodrigo Amaro
The Beatles takes us on a long and psychedelic road trip with their "Magical Mystery Tour", a happy, cheerful and unusual road movie whose point is to be happy and incomprehensible.If you're feeling down this film and the music will make you better but don't wait for a conventional musical film. Here we have The Beatles on a bus along with eccentric passengers such as Ringo's aunt (played by Jessie Robins) and a dwarf photographer (George Claydon) going to weird places, colored locations and unusual situations, sometimes dreaming, other times not, and of course, listening to songs that goes for the "Magical Mystery Tour Theme" to "I am the Walrus" and others. It's not bad as people say, but it's certainly not an experience where everybody can get something of positive, it depends on your views of films and what you like. To me, Beatles can't go wrong although this tour is very messy, sometimes it makes no sense at all unless you're high or drunk (which might be a great experience while viewing this film, it might work better). Here's four guys having a nice time, doing their best while acting and playing songs, having a moment of happiness and happiness is a great thing, specially if displayed on film which is quite rare. Might not have a purpose, it doesn't make too much sense but it's pretty decent and very watchable. 9/10