Man on High Heels

2014 "I killed her in me."
6.6| 2h5m| en

Ji-wook is a virile detective with a reputation, but deep down in his heart, he always considered himself as a woman and finally decides to get a transsexual operation. However, his plan falls apart as vicious gang members start their revenge on him.


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Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
lauramadugan The title doesn't leave much to the imagination - and itself is a challenge - is this person a man dressing up, is this person a woman in transition, is this person being viewed or viewing themselves? The extreme violence (typical in a Korean movie) takes place against the backdrop of an individual undergoing gender re-assignment. Some of the lines in the movie were startling and revelatory 'We don't have surgery to become women - we become women so we can have the surgery'. Cha, who is an uber masculine star, really takes on this role with sensitivity and without comment. His emotions read wide, and there is no judgment against people in transition especially. The memory scenes are heartbreaking and tender, and ultimately the viewer is brought into the world of the question - including the ending, which leaves more questions than answers. This is a movie about one individual journey, and doesn't seem to pretend to preach about right or wrong choices. I am glad I finally watched it, and probably will watch it again and suggest it to others. I found it quite beautiful!
narutofan-77309 This movie makes my gay little heart very very happy. This one is especially a very good movie. I loved it because its captures very well the feeling and heartache of someone who was born in the wrong body.I actually think its very rare for to find a movie this good created from an Asian entertainment industry. Movies like this doesn't appealed much to mainstream audience. But its means the world to those that lives that life, a life that is not so easily accepted by society. I love every inch of the movie.The movie captured the pain of what it meant to be different, and to hide it, and live a double life. To be put on a mask to the world, and to hide your real self behind close doors. To suffer silently and to struggled with one identity. It depicted these emotions very well. It showed how LGBT individual are bullied, self harmed, and hold self hatred. Its depicts a man torned between his life as a man, and his desired to be true to himself, and become a women.One last thing, my favorite part of this movie is how it summed up a very special theme: We can't change. This things are intrinsic to our very heart and soul. Our sexuality and our identity is every part that make us complete.
nathanpollard-34-591307 Man On High Heels follows a very tried and tested Korean gangster/cop formula but with a rather unusual quirk. Korean mega star and tuna salesman, Cha Seung Won plays against type as Yoon Ji Wook, a tough detective with a surprising secret. Cha's no mercy, gung-ho, bone breaking cop is about to go through with gender reassignment surgery. Homosexuality and gender reassignment are topics rarely touched upon in mainstream Korean movies and all credit must be given for a serious attempt at broaching an oft ignored issue. Cha does put in a very good performance lurching from a deadly fighting force to an emotionally drained and confused individual struggling with his own identity. However the film is rather uneven; the emotional impact of the scenes illustrating Cha's treatment jar against the stereotypical ultra violence. Though the fight scenes are well staged they distract from the drama which should be the focus of the film. The story loses its pace and way in the last quarter and the ending is horribly predictable. An admirable attempt and a good performance by Cha but overall the film is a disappointment.
kosmasp The English title might be a bit of a spoiler if you will, but it might also prepare for what you are about to see. It's a very strange movie, mixing drama and action in a way, most might not have seen before. It flourishes and cherishes some unique small moments (which are very funny to say the least). It's moments that characters and especially mentality shine through in a big way.The theme itself will not speak to a mainstream audience obviously, because of what the main characters goes through. Despite that, this is a really good movie, that does not shy away from it's own subject matter and might leave viewers feel a bit uncomfortable too. Fight choreography is good