You won't be disappointed!
not horrible nor great
Sammy-Jo Cervantes
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Paul Andrews
Maneater is set in thew small US town of where a truck crashes late one night, the truck happened to be carrying a large Tiger in a wooden box. The box is smashed open & the huge Tiger is set free to roam the woods near the town. The next morning starts like any other for local Sheriff Grady Barnes (Gary Busey) but that soon changes when several missing persons report come in, investigating these reports Sheriff Barnes & his deputies discover several mutilated dead bodies in the woods surrounding . The local coroner says that the victims were killed by a large animal & it's not long before there are sightings of the Tiger as the body-count continues to grow. The national guard is called in but they can't handle the situation so English big game hunter Colonel Graham (Ian D Clark) volunteers his services to track down the Tiger & kill it...Not to be confused with the monster film Maneater (2009) starring Dean Cain this made for television American & Canadian co-production was directed by Gary Yates, yet another in a very long line of killer creature feature flicks from the Sy-Fy Channel this is yet another truly terrible film that almost becomes painful to watch. To be honest there really isn't any sci-fi aspect here, the Tiger is just a normal escaped Tiger that starts to kill & eat the locals rather than some genetic experiment or mutation. In fact little background about the Tiger is given, there's some vague opening sequence as a truck crashes but where the truck came from or where it was going or what it was doing with a live Tiger in a wooden crate strapped to the back is anyone's guess. At almost 90 minutes long Maneater drags badly, the majority of the boring running time is just people wandering through th woods for various reasons (reporters reporting the story, people trying to hunt & kill the Tiger, various victims whose job it is to get killed) & little else, there's some crap about a boy who has some sort of link with the Tiger but is never explained in any great detail or to any satisfaction. Then there's the English hunter with a strange moustache & accent that pushes Maneater into the realms of camp even though it's script is deadly serious. Generally speaking I think I could organise a better hunt for the Tiger, the national guard just randomly walk through the woods looking for it rather than laying a trap with some bait for instance. The character's are awful, the dialogue is awful & the plot is awful. The whole film is awful.Even the attack scenes are awful, we never really see the Tiger attack anyone because they couldn't afford decent special effects & all the attacks happen off-screen with lots of severed body parts & splattered blood left. Actually this was gorier than i thought it was going to be, while most of the gore is after the event mutilated body type stuff at least there's plenty of it here. The real Tiger the makers use during several shots is obviously tame & never bares it's teeth, never acts threatening & is obviously just playing as it rolls around with it's 'victim'.Filmed in Manitoba in Canada this has decent production values but looks bland & lacks any visual style at all, the effects are alright I suppose & it's competently made. The acting is bad, Gary Busey looks really bad in this & can't even be bothered to button his jacket up properly let alone wear a proper uniform. Busey looks like he's slumming it here big time.Maneater is a terrible Sy-Fy Channel creature feature that doesn't actually have any sci-fi or fantasy aspects, it's just a normal Tiger killing people. Boring. If you want to see a decent film about killer Tiger's/Lion's then watch The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) again instead.
**SPOILERS** Much along the lines of the 1975 blockbuster "Jaws" the made for TV movie "Maneater" has to do with an escaped 600 pound Bengal Tiger who turns the sleepy and almost crime free, it doesn't even have a county jail, Taruga County into its personal hunting and feeding grounds.After the tiger's first three kills both the county Sheriff Grady Barnes, Gary Busey, and it's very reluctant Mayor Earl Hunt, Blake Taylor, finally throw in the towel and let the "cat" out of the bag in asking the State Governor to sent in the National Guard to either capture or gun down the wild beast. As we all soon find out even the National Guard with its state of the art equipment and dead-eye sharpshooters are no match against the ferocious feline. For all its ferocity the killer cat seemed to have developed some kind of friendship with little 12 year-old Roy Satterly, Ty Wood, which the film never goes into or explains! This together with the films very confusing and almost mythical-like ending makes you wounder if the killer tiger has supernatural powers or we, the audience, are being set up for a sequel to "Maneater" the soon to be released, on TV or DVD,"Maneater II"!Using no special effect the movie has an actual tiger who's anything but full grown, he looks like he weighs between 80 to 100 not 600 pounds, do the dirty or bloody work in it. Taking down most of his his victims by ambushing them from behind, the big cat's favorite hunting tactic, we very rarely get to see him the movie. Still even without the big cat being in the frame it's brutal attacks, by just playing with the audience's imagination, are just as effective as if the cat was actually in them!With the National Guard and local police just about giving up in tracking down and killing the rampaging killer tiger in comes British Big Game hunter Colonel Graham, Ian D.Clark, offering his services! looked by everyone as an eccentric The Colonel proves to be the real McCoy in him having documented evidence that he hunted down and killed 12 man eating tigers back in India. What the Colonel failed to bring out, in his resume, is that the last man eating tiger he tried to hunt down, who killed and ate some 200 people, made a monkey out of him by always giving the Colonel, when he was about to gun him down, the slip!***SPOILERS*** It's at the very end of the movie that the killer cat comes out of hiding and that's when things get a bit confusing. Changing his very successful attack mode from the ambush to a frontal attack makes the tiger a sitting duck for the Colonel's, whom the tiger already badly mauled, double barreled elephant gun! Still it took a lot more then the Colonel, and his howitzer, to put an end to the man-eating tigers reign of terror! Or did it!
Ray Humphries
Okay, so there were no gorgeous chicks (we could have used a hottie as the female deputy), but there was also no silly, unnecessary love affair, no tension building count-down timer, and almost no "Jawstraneous" reference to economic disaster caused by interference with the coming tourist event (the Apple-Corn Festival, huh?).The acting was competent, assuming Busey (who is definitely showing his age and scars) was acting the part of a tired, worn-out sheriff, and not just being a tired, worn-out actor. Ty Wood was really good as the kid with the soul of a tiger. I also liked Ian Clark as the white hunter (shades of Jim Corbett, "Man-Eaters of Kumaon", which I read in high school before any of you were born).The ending kinda sucks. I'm not sure roast tiger is really fit for consumption. I suppose the hero (Sheriff Busey) had to do the deed, but I think a couple of rounds from the colonel's 400 express would have been a sounder send-off. Other than that, I liked it -- much improved for Sci Fi Channel fare, although lacking much sci.
Maneater (2007) ** (out of 4) Sci-Fi Channel movie is yet another Jaws rip, although this one has a few things going for it. A giant tiger is eating people in an Appalachian Mountains town so the sheriff (Gary Busey) and a bounty hunter (Ian D. Clark) try to track it down and kill it. Both of these characters are directly out of the Jaws handbook but thankfully both actors give very good performances so this weakness is the script can be overlooked. The story itself is another story as it's very weak and doesn't really offer anything new that we haven't seen countless times before. The one added storyline is a young boy who seems to have a connection with this tiger but this here comes off very forced and silly. The tiger used was real except for a few scenes where a CGI one was used.