Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence

1993 "The Wrong Arm Of The Law Is Back!"
5| 1h25m| R| en

When Kate Sullivan storms a hostage situation, the whole incident is captured on tape by an unscrupulous media crew who edit the footage to show her killing a helpless victim. "Maniac Cop" takes it upon himself to exact revenge upon those who smeared her name.


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Alicia I love this movie so much
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Poppa Byrd Look, it's the third one, so you already know it's bad. And "Maniac Cop" wasn't good enough to warrant the second installment, so you know it's even worse. But how much worse? Awful, approaching God-awful.When Maniac Cop goes on a killing spree, a reporter exclaims, "What happened here can ONLY be described as a black rainbow of death."1-- Rainbows are not black, and can never be. 2-- Rainbows are harmless, and can never inflict pain or death. 3-- A news reporter, one valuable to his agency, might find another way to describe the aftermath of a killing spree. "A black rainbow of death" is not the ONLY way to describe the given situation.This is what you're in for.
Paul Andrews Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence starts where Maniac Cop 2 (1990) ended with the funeral of the Maniac Cop himself Matt Cordell (Robert Z'Dar). However at the same time a Voodoo priest brings him back to life, with the aid of a little bit of black magic & a severed head. It's just another ordinary crime ridden night in New York as Officer Kate Sullivan (Gretchen Becker) responds to a pharmacy robbery where high on drugs junkie Frank Jessup (Jackie Earle Haley) is shooting dead any police that get anywhere near him, Kate manages to shoot Jessup but is shot herself by the crooked shop assistant who organised the robbery & badly injured but also manages to shoot & kill the assistant. Two freelance cameramen Bishop (Bobby Di Cicco) & Tribble (Frank Pesce) capture the incident on film & re-edit it so it appears that Kate shot two unarmed suspects hoping to cause controversy & make lots of money, her close friend Detective Sean McKinney (Robert Davi) sets out to clear her name. The Maniac Cop Matt Cordell takes an interest in Kate & starts to kill those wanting to switch off her life support...The third, & thus far the last, entry in the Maniac Cop series of films Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence was originally going to be directed by William Lustig but was completed by co-producer Joel Soisson after Lustig walked out, apparently even scriptwriter Larry Cohen voiced a dissatisfaction at how the film ended up. The truth of what actually happened behind the scenes may never be known but it makes you wonder, doesn't it? While parts of the film don't work as well as they could have I still think Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence is a really good horror film. First the negative things, the film never really explains why the Voodoo priest guy brings Cordell back from the dead. He doesn't make Cordell do anything or try to control him so why bring him back? The ending is very silly, why does the seat Cordell is sitting in not catch fire? It's not made clear why Cordell takes such an interest in Kate, I think maybe because he sees much of what happened to him in her but the link is somewhat tenuous. Now the positive, Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence is well written, a bit different, witty, clever while it also tries to say things & in this regard it has a certain amount of success like city corruption, the importance of money over human life, biased edited for TV news coverage, an uncaring medical profession & the legal right's of a criminal over those of the innocent. It moves along at a nice pace, is never boring & entertains from start to finish.Director's Lustig & Soisson give the film a nice look & special mention goes to cinematographer Jacques Haitkin (who has worked on over 75 films) as Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence looks fabulous throughout, from the candle lit Voodoo rituals to the cold, clinical & sterile Hospital interiors this is one great looking, atmospheric & moody film. The gore was disappointing, I have no idea if the version I saw was uncut but apart from a severed head & it's headless body, a few gory gunshot wounds & someone with their face melted there isn't much to speak of. There is a really cool car chase at the end with a burning Matt Cordell behind the wheel of a police car trying to catch McKinney.Technically Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence is very good, the stunts at the end are great, the photography is great, I really liked the music & it's generally well made. The acting is pretty strong by all involved & Caitlin Dulany as Dr. Fowler is a bit of a babe & easy on the eye's.I really liked Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence, it lacks a bit of logic but it tries to raise a few issues & have some twisted fun with them. Not as good as the first two entry's but still a great film in it's own right, in my humble opinion. Definitely worth a watch.
Zombified_660 Badge of Silence is undoubtedly the worst of the Maniac Cop series. The title is cool, and some of the movie is pretty good, but overall, it feels quite dull and lacking in comparison to the tense, suspenseful first movie and it's balls-to-the-wall horror action sequel. I suppose it's best viewed as a mix of the two, but it's unfortunately not quite as good as that sounds.For instance, the movie pulls in some good suspense moments, like a chase through an underground pipe system, and a fantastic closing chase segment, but generally these are quite tame and uneventful in comparison to the similar moments in the first two, and won't wring genuine scares out of you.Again, some cool action segments are present, but they're few and far between, and most leave you wanting for a little more than they provide. For instance, an early sequence in which Cordell (the titular Maniac Cop) throws a man up in the air then shoots him several times on the way down was very exciting, but then nothing like that happens for the rest of the movie.From the script and direction point of view, this movie is pretty interesting, involving a blacklisted cop in a coma that Cordell is trying to clear by killing everyone involved in her framing, and a lot of similar cop-thriller style direction from Lustig, but the movie just lacks any real spark.Don't get me wrong, Badge of Silence is still a reasonably fun watch. The dialogue is as snappy, well delivered and sarky as we've come to expect from the series, and Cordell is still quite an impressive presence thanks to the excellent Robert Z'Dar, but it just lacks oomph this time round. I can kind of see why it trailed off and they never made a fourth outing despite this movie's open ending.
Infofreak Look, I love 'Maniac Cop'. For me it's one of the 1980s most entertaining exploitation movies, and I think that 'Maniac Cop 2' is almost as good. But something went horribly wrong with the third movie in the series. William Lustig is credited as the director and Larry Cohen the writer/co-producer but the magic is missing. I've heard Lustig almost apologizing for it in interviews. It isn't a complete turkey but it's a major disappointment. Fans of the first two movies would be better to give it a miss and watch the underrated 'Uncle Sam' instead, a Lustig/Cohen collaboration which sank without a trace. Matt Cordell, the "maniac cop" (Robert Z'Dar) is resurrected by a priest (Julius Harris, one of the stars of 1970s blaxploitation classics 'Black Caesar' and 'Superfly'). Meanwhile McKinney (Robert Davi), the cop who cleared Cordell's name in the previous movie, is outraged when his friend and fellow cop Katie Sullivan (Gretchen Becker), is seriously wounded in a robbery and accused of wrongfully shooting two "victims". Pretty soon people involved with the case are brutally murdered and McKinney comes to believe that Cordell is back. 'Maniac Cop 3' is a big letdown. The plot is paper thin and the whole thing seems tired. Also, unlike the other two movies, the cast is very disappointing. 'Maniac Cop' and 'Maniac Cop 2' included names like Bruce Campbell, William Smith, Richard Roundtree, Tom Atkins, Claudia Christian and Charles Napier. This time we get pointless cameos from Robert Forster (star of Lustig's revenge classic 'Vigilante') and Paul Gleason ('The Breakfast Club'), but that's about it. Davi is left surrounded by a bunch of no-names. Everything about this movie indicates that it is a rushed and ill thought out cash-in. Unless you're a rabid Matt Cordell fan I say forget about it.

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